Chapter 10: Fuck it, I'm gay

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Alex's POV:

He's on top of me.

This man is fucking on top of me. 

Quinn Bailey is laying on top of me. And it's his fault. 

Of course, it's also not. He ran up, grabbed the side of the blanket, fell ontop of me, rolled over, and got us stuck. And very much stuck. Quinn wouldn't be able to get out, so that left it up to me. 

But I'm selfish. 

I liked it. I really liked it. I liked feeling his arms wrapped around me, his head laying on my chest, him asleep, and us pushed up against each other like this. This is what I've subconsciously wanted since I met him. Obviously not under these circumstances, but whatever. 

I knew that Quinn was just doing this because he was stuck, and I didn't blame him. I mean, I was a real fuckwad to him for awhile, and now all of a sudden we're friends. Who could blame him? Because I sure can't think of one person who would want to snuggle up with the person who bullied them for three months. 

I sighed and slowly scooted back to prop myself up, the blanket falling off. I was about to pull Quinn off of me, when he wrapped his legs around me, still asleep. My heart rate increased as he buried his head further into my chest. 

I shook my head. This was wrong. I shouldn't be here. 

I gently pulled Quinn's arms and legs off of me, as I scooted off of the bed. I made my way out of his room, and went downstairs. I put my raincoat back on and quickly ran out of the house, to not get wet. 

When I got back to my house, and up to my room, I grabbed my phone and opened up my contacts. I needed to text Johnathan. 

Hey man. I gotta talk to you. 

Barely thirty seconds later, I got an incoming call from him. I answered it immediately.

"Okay, what's so important that you needed to talk to me on my day off?" He sounded annoyed, but happy to see me.

"Man, how did you know you were gay?" I asked.

He froze. Shit, did I hit a sensitive topic? I really needed his advice right now. 

He paused for a second, and then laughed. 

"My friends bought some gay porn to traumatize their siblings, and I kind of, maybe, stole it." 

I broke down in laughter. This man knew he liked guys after stealing gay porn?

"Anyways, why'd you ask?" 

I hesitated for a second before answering.

"Well-uh, there's this guy-" he cut me off.

"It's Quinn, isn't it?" 

I felt my face go red. How did this guy know it was Quinn? 

"Uh, well, yeah actually."

"I knew it. You should've seen him-I think it was a week ago or sumthin- he came in, looking all depressed and went on the defensive when I asked if it was crush troubles."

I face palmed. I knew exactly why. 

"Oh, so I assume you had something to do with that." Johnathan said slyly.

"Well, yeah actually. I'm kind of the reason." I proceeded to tell him what had happened that morning.

"Well goddamn, man, that's kind of gay." He laughed to himself. "Anyways, the only advice I can give is to follow your heart. I know, that's incredibly cheesy, but I'm serious. I can't tell you if you're a man-lover because that's for you to figure out. And hey, I'm rooting for ya." 

I chuckled at his corny advice. 

"Thanks, I guess." 

He chuckled, and we said bye. 

When I put my phone down, I thought for a couple minutes. I thought about all the girls I had been with in the past, and how none of them really...intrigued me, I guess. I had always made comments on the guys, but I thought I was just joking around. 

After about ten minutes, I came to my conclusion: 

I'm very, very, very gay.

Author's Note: 

Sorry for the short chapter, I'm just having some family stuff going on atm. I'll try to put out another chapter today, but if I can't, then, well, just hang in there for a little bit!


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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