Chapter 9: So Alex and I sort of maybe have a morning routine

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Back to Quinn's POV

The rest of fall break went as following: I wake up, look out the window and into Alex's, we make awkward eye contact, and I shut my curtains and fall face first onto my bed, confused as hell.  

This morning, after the awkward-eye-contact part, as I was closing my curtains, I saw him stand up and walk over to his window. I paused, confused. He opened his window and... jumped out! 

What the fuck was he doing? His window went straight to the ground! My breath hitched as I watched him fall, and then land on his feet. How did he do that? 

He brushed his hair out of his face and I watched him walk up to the base of my house, looking up at me. I started to open the window, and I peeked my head out, and then a rock smacked me in the forehead.

"Ow, what was that for?" I shouted down. Alex's eyes were red and his cheeks were flushed. 

"Sorry, I wasn't expecting you to open the window!" He yelled back. I sighed and rolled my eyes. 

"What the fuck are you even doing?" I said, my tone angry. He threw his arms up in annoyance. 

"You're the one that wakes up and stares at me! If you want to talk then just say so, don't be a little creep!" I was baffled. He thought I wanted to talk? Where the fuck did he draw that conclusion from? "Now are you gonna let me come inside or just let me get drenched in this rain out here, yelling at you? I wanna talk to you about something!" 

I made an annoyed grunt and closed my window, going downstairs and opening the front door. Alex was already there, and pushed past me and walked into my house. I sighed and closed the door. I couldn't help but stare at his hair, drenched with rain. It shimmered under the light, just like his eyes. 

"Come on, let's go into the family room." I started walking down the hallway, Alex following close behind. I walked into the family room and sat down on the sofa, Alex sitting on the other side. 

"First off, why the fuck did you jump out of your window?" I asked. 

"Eh, I dunno. I've seen you do it and it looked like fun."

"Well, yeah, but yours goes straight to the ground! You could've broken your neck or something..." Wait, what was I saying? I didn't care if he broke his neck. 

"Look, that's besides the point. I wanted to..." he scowled. "Apologize."

I crossed my arms, looking at him. "For what, ruining all of my good clothes by pushing me in the mud?" 

He scoffed at me. 

"Would you let me talk? I wanted to apologize for thinking you threw your lunch at me and being a little bastard to you. That's all. See ya." He stood up and walked out of the room. My mouth was opened in surprise. I jumped up from the couch and grabbed his shoulder. 

"Man, you can't just apologize for fucking my life up for three months and then just leave!" He turned around, facing me, my hand still on his shoulder. I quickly retracted my hand, letting it rest at my side. 

He sighed and closed his eyes, his hair falling forward a little bit. 

"Look, can we just...start over? Be friends?" He looked down, opening his eyes and glancing up at me, arms crossed. I pursed my lips before speaking. 

"Yeah, sure. Just don't fuck with me again and I won't fuck with you, okay?" He chuckled and I saw him relax a little bit. I felt the corners of my mouth turn up a little bit. 

"I gotta get to work. See ya later, I guess?" He nodded and followed me out the room and out the door, me using my umbrella to shield the both of us from the rain. He nodded at me and ran up to his house, going inside. 

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