Chapter 2: Well shit, I just spilled my lunch on the hot new kid

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It was still raining when I got to school, and I don't know how it's possible, but I think it's raining harder.

I quickly made my way inside, my boots squeaking along the wood floor.

I walked over to my locker, fiddled with the lock for five minutes or so, and then I finally got it opened. I shoved most of the contents of my duffel bag in to the locker, leaving only my sketchbook, pencil, and history book in it.

I wiped some water that managed to get on my face off, and shut my locker door, and what I saw made me jump backwards.

I dropped my duffel bag to the floor, and then I recognized the face: it was the guy I saw earlier, standing on the porch. He was even hotter up close, with plump, soft looking lips and a soft jawline that really fits with him. His grey eyes stared me down.


I looked at him, confused. What did he want? Why was he talking to me, of all people?

I gave him a weak wave and walked away.

I didn't see him at all for the next couple of classes, and tried my best to just forget about what happened. But by the time lunch rolled around, I saw him standing in front of me.

I sighed and looked at the wall, and then moved up the line to get my lunch. It didn't look good at all: I'm pretty sure I saw it moving. It was spaghetti with refried beans, and grapefruit. Ew.

As I was walking to a table, I was looking down at my food, poking it with my fork, when all of a sudden I walked into something. I stumbled backwards and dropped my lunch, which went flying forwards. I landed on the ground on my elbow, confused as hell. I didn't remember there being a wall there-

And then I looked up.

That was no wall: that was him. The new kid. The big, muscly, new kid. Now covered in spaghetti, refried beans, grapefruit juice, and chocolate milk. Goddamnit, look what I just did.

I looked him up and down as he slowly turned around to look at me, his grey eyes piercing through my soul.

"Did you just throw your lunch at me?" He growled. I stared at him, shocked.

"What-no-I-" I started to say, but then he bent down, crouching over me.

"I don't know you, ya little prick, but first I see you staring at me, then you don't even acknowledge my existence over at your locker, and now you throw your lunch at me?"

He paused, still glaring at me.

"Watch your back, boy. You just made a powerful enemy." He stood up and walked away, going in the direction of the bathroom.

I looked at the floor, wide eyed, as I slowly stood up. What the fuck just happened? I didn't throw my lunch at him, and he was being super creepy over at my locker. What did he want me to do?

I sighed and brushed my hair out of my face, as I saw the rest of the cafeteria staring at me, some of the girls whispering to each other. I ignored them, and made my way over to a table by the back door, for easy access if I had to ditch school.

I sat down at the table, and looked at the surface, tracing a circle with my finger. I guess he did see me staring at him this morning. And what did he say about "me making a powerful enemy?" I don't even know him, which I guess is part of the problem, but still. He can't be that dangerous.


Author's Note:

Hey again! So just so you guys know, I try my best to upload at the very least three times a week, at least for the coming month. I'm gonna have a lot of free time now, so there should be a lot more to the story coming soon!

Also, feel free to leave any advice or critiques in the comments, I always love listening and taking advice!


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