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We quickly reached a stage where Amir staying the night became a regular thing. We would spend our evenings talking about everything and nothing before things eventually moved to the bedroom.

I no longer questioned why he chose to be with me, nor did I feel as uncomfortable about our obvious differences.

The regular sex was drastically improving my mood, but more importantly my stamina. I was able to perform well beyond his peak of pleasure which only futher intensified our evening fun.

Amir's abundant and positive energy was contagious. I felt utterly invigorated during my weekends with Jason, and I was highly focused at work.

Everything seemed perfect, except for the fact that I hadn't yet managed to harmonise my old life with my current one.

Jason didn't even know that I was into guys, let alone that I was sleeping with his violin teacher. And what would his mother have to say?

Amir was going to Canada for Christmas and I was invited by Julie's parents. It would be awkward in the beginning but we all wanted to show a united front for Jason's sake.

Then, I planned to throw a New Year's party at my place with a core group of colleagues, and a few friends. I definitely wanted Amir to be there but the news of our relationship would undoubtedly travel fast.

Both my ex-wife and my son had a right to know before everyone else but how could I best approach it? Surprisingly, my problem solved itself in a very unexpected way.

After dropping Jason off on a Saturday night, Julie invited me for a drink. She looked stressed for some reason, there wasn't anything wrong, was there? Were her parents Ok? Her sister?

She poured me a Scotch and downed hers in one go before saying, "Ethan, there's something we need to discuss."

Oh, fuck! She didn't know already, did she? But how? Amir and I had been so careful.

"I met someone," she said, looking at the kitchen counter. "Actually, we met a long time ago but I NEVER let anything happen..."

Well, what were the odds of that?!

Julie was shaking. Her honesty was a testament to our enduring mutual respect. She deserved to be relieved of her burdon, so I in turn could relieve myself of mine.

I grabbed both her trembling hands and said, "Jules, it's Ok. We set eachother free for this reason, remember?"

"The thing is that you kinda know him," Julie said, pouring herself a second shot.

Ok, that grabbed my attention.

"It's Lloyd Cassidy."

I almost spat out my Scotch.

"The Hollywood actor, Lloyd Cassidy?!"

Julie nodded and grabbed the bottle.

"Holy fuck, Jules! Isn't he like a decade younger than us?" I asked on impulse.

Who the fuck was I to talk?

"Sue me," she said, downing another shot.

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