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My hands literally hurt from all the texting. How did those GenZ kids manage?

Once I let my guard down, the flirting began, and we were constantly messaging eachother. Was this what a dating app felt like? In that case, I considered myself lucky that I'd already met Amir in person.

Due to my ever demanding work schedule, I couldn't meet him until Thursday. He agreed to join me for lunch at a trendy cafe that a colleague had recommended.

I was actually nervous, would our interactions flow just as easily face-to-face? We got along perfectly fine during our last outing but the circumstances were now very different.

What exactly were his expectations from this encounter? What were mine? I decided to just delegate everything to the universe and hope for the best.

I'd already been waiting for fifteen minutes of the hour I could afford to be out of the office when Amir rushed into the restaurant and indicated my table to the hostess.

"I'm so sorry," he said, peeling himself out of his winter layers.

"No worries," I replied, my stomach full of butterflies.

I had a million things to say but I could just as easily just sit there and listen to him talk. I could not remember having ever been as spellbound by someone, Julie being the only exception.

"Did you order yet, I know you don't have that much time."

I'd spent the last few days pouring over end of the year reports until late at night. And I had not yet raked up the courage to invite him to my place yet.

"Apparently, their pasta dishes are excellent," I said. I wasn't here for the food.

"Great," he said, finally sitting down and taking a sip of water. "I'll have whatever you're having."

After placing an order, I immediately launched into the question that had been gnawing at me ever since this rollercoaster ride began.

"Amir, how did we get here so quickly?"

Then, I immediately panicked and my other questions came tumbling out all at once.

"Why did you take the risk so easily? Why does it feel so effortless to talk to you? Why of all people did you choose... me?"

"Relax," he said, putting both hands on mine. "If you say this is effortless, then why are you stressed?"

"I just don't understand..."

"Yes, you do," he said, "You just think you're undeserving for some reason."

I blinked at him in astonishment.

Was he right?

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