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Andie and Riley sat in studio A with the rest of the team, waiting for Emily and her little spies to return from their mission

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Andie and Riley sat in studio A with the rest of the team, waiting for Emily and her little spies to return from their mission.

"Do you think the plan went well?" Riley asked as she and Andie stretched. Andie sighed in annoyance. "James hasn't called me back or answered my text. I honestly don't know."

Just as she spoke, Emily and the rest of A-troupe came walking through the doors. Andie's head perked up when her eyes fell on James. A guilty look rested on his face as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Where's Michelle?" Riley immediately noticed the blonde missing when she spoke up. "We left her behind." Her sister shrugged.

"I'm sorry, what?" Andie questioned as she stood next to Riley. "Why?"

"Because she got caught," Emily simply stated. Andie heard Riley scoff as she stepped towards her big sister. "You know it's like you keep pushing Michelle away," she said.

"It's not right to call out the dance captain, but honestly, I feel like Emily needs to be put in her place."

"I don't know whether to be more pissed at Emily or James. He promised he'd look out for Michelle, and the fact that he let Emily leave her behind?"

"Emily, your sister is right," Andie said as she crossed her arms. Anger surged through her as she spoke. "You seem so threatened by one dancer who's done nothing to you in any way."

"Okay, first of all," Emily started as she looked between her younger sister and Andie. She doesn't threaten me, and second of all," Emily glared at Andie. She tried to take my captaincy away."

Andie went in to speak again, but Riley beat her to it. "Oh really? She was our one chance at winning regionals." Andie immediately cringed at Riley's words, knowing that the girl's mouth was moving quicker than her brain. "Riley, calm down," Andie whispered as she placed her hand on Riley's arm.

Emily saw her chance to make Riley vulnerable. "Oh." She said in an innocent tone. "So none of these people can help us win at regionals?"

"Emily, shut up."

"Why should I, Andie?" Emily asked, smiling evilly at her. You're the closest friend here, but you just basically stated that you can't help us win regionals."

"Look, Emily, I'm so sick of you're shit." Andie snapped as she stepped forward in front of Riley. "You're a selfish bitch, and I can't deal with the fact that you only care about yourself and no one else. So if I were you, I'd back down before you deal with me alone outside that hallway." Andie said as she pointed towards the exit doors.

"Wow." Emily scoffed as she looked between the two girls. "You're both such team players, " she said, walking away with the E-girls following behind her.

Andie's face reddened with anger as she watched her walk away. Just got after her. Don't let her walk away, Andie! But she did. She felt someone place a hand on her shoulder. "Don't," she whispered as she shrugged the hand off. She turned her head slightly and noticed it was James behind her.

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