Living together - XI

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Bruce woke up to the sound of loud, loud knocking. He squinted open his eyes to see Vance's sleeping face. It took him a moment to gather where he was, which was Vance's couch. "Vance...go get the door," he whispered, closing his eyes again. Vance stayed asleep, not uttering a word.

Knock knock knock knock! "Vance," Bruce groaned as he softly pushed his hands against Vance's chest. Now Vance was awake and groggily asking what Bruce wanted. "Someone's at the door," Bruce told him with the same tired tone he had, "you should go get it."

"Why me..." Vance whined.

"It's your house, babe," Bruce told him as they both sat up. "Plus, it's not like anyone even knows I'm here other than you." He informed Vance as the blonde stood up. Vance just nodded before walking out of the living room to the front door.

When Vance opened it he was tempted to immediately shut it, if it weren't for the foot in the doorway. "What.." Vance asked, looking down at the two people in front of him. Those people were none other than Robin and Finney.

"Is Bruce here? We tried his house, but they said he wasn't home," Finney said politely while Robin stood behind him. If it was just Finney there then Vance would've gladly said yes, but with the disgusted and mean look from Robin he shut his mouth.

"Why the hell would I know," Vance scoffed, glancing back at Bruce who was back asleep. "Ever since I got outta custody I've been here sleeping." He could see a look of unsureness on Finney's face—along with the 'I know you're lying' look Robin was currently giving him.

For a moment Finney and Robin just stood there, but soon Robin decided to confront Vance. "Why are you lying?" He asked. Vance played dumb, raising an eyebrow. "We have the right to know where he is since we're his friends!" He growled at Vance, shoving him and walking in on his own.

"Hey! Get out of my house!" Vance yelled at him.

"I'm just seeing if you're being a lying prick like always!" Robin snapped at him, turning to face Vance. "And normally when Bruce is in trouble he comes to my place, but I've seen him with you so I know you did something to him!"

Before Vance could yell back someone yelled first, "can you both just knock it off?!" It was Bruce, who had been woken up by the yelling. "Robin what the hell are you doing here?" He asked with an annoyed tone.

"Finn and I came here to look for you," Robin explained, shooting a glare at Vance, "and Vance here tried lying saying you weren't here when you were!"

Vance glared back at Robin, as well as Finney, but didn't say anything. "Well okay then, why were you lying, Vance?" Bruce asked with an amused tone.

Vance scoffed, locking eyes with Bruce. "It's not everyday that dickhead," he started, pointing at Robin, "comes knocking on my door!"

"You're such an asshole," Robin shouted at Vance, who rolled his eyes.

"Both of you quit," Finney snapped. "Come on, Robin. We know he's here now let's go."

Vance took a deep breath before forcefully ushering Robin out the door. "Thank you, Finney," he gave a fake smile as he slowly closed the door. The moment the door closed he turned to Bruce, hugging him tightly. "Can you tell them to stop bugging me all the time?" He whispered.

"I doubt they'll listen," Bruce whispered softly, resting his head on Vance's shoulder," but I can try."

"Thanks," Vance said, a wide smile on his face. He kissed Bruce softly on the cheek, "I love you so much."

Bruce smiled wide, taking the kisses. "I love you too, babe," he said softly, yawning quickly after, "wanna go lay back down?" Vance hummed and they did just that.

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