The next day - II

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Bruce woke up not wanting to move a muscle. Not only was his mind tired but his body felt like a weight was dropped on him. "Bruce Yamada! Why is this door locked?!" Bruce's dad's angry voice could be heard as the door shook.

Bruce, now wide awake, shot up. He looked around to see Vance suddenly awoken. Vance glanced at his watch, "shit." Vance climbed out of the hammock in a hurry and Bruce noticed his vest was now gone from his body. "I'll see you at school."

"Bye, Vance," Bruce whispered, following the boy to the window. After Vance hopped out he shut the window and hurried to unlock his door. Bruce locked eyes with his upset father, who was practically fuming. He took a deep breath before saying, "I was upset with you yesterday, so I locked it so you couldn't get in and yell at me."

His father sighed deeply, pushing past him. "Who was in here, Bruce?" The man growled, searching the room almost up and down. Bruce frozen in fear, seeing Vance's vest in the corner of his eye. He kicked it under his bed without his father even noticing. "I can smell them. Where are they?"

"I don't have anyone in my room, dad," Bruce tried to tell his father. Damn it, Vance, he thought as he let out a sigh as he smelt the boy's heavy cologne. His father searched almost everything in the room, apart from under the boys bed. "Dad—"

"Enough, Bruce," the man sighed deeply, "you're not going to school today, forget it."

Bruce stood there speechless, unsure what to say. He wasn't a fan of school, but he went because of his friends. He went because of the exciting environment. And he was shocked on how harsh his father was being. That made him upset. "What the hell's wrong with you?" Bruce spat out without thinking.

"Dot talk to me like that, young man!" The man snapped, slapping Bruce's shoulder. "Now you better take care of Amy, or you'll be in much more trouble, boy."

Bruce sighed with a shaky breath as he watched his father leave the room in anger. He sat back on his bed, unsure what to do. About ten minutes passed and he could hear as him mom and dad left. "Bruce! Can you come make me a breakfast sandwich?!" Any yelled from downstairs. Bruce groaned, going downstairs to make his sister a sandwich.

It nearing lunch time and Bruce sat in his bed reading a book. He knew Amy was in the kitchen, due to the kitchen sink running, pans clanging, occasional cursing, and the fridge door periodically opening. Tap, tap, tap. Bruce looked over to his window to see Vance outside. "It's unlocked," he said quietly so Amy wouldn't hear, but loud enough that Vance could.

Vance slid the window open, climbing through. "What're you doing home?" Vance asked. "Why aren't you at school?"

"My dad and I got into an argument," Bruce said, eyes back into his book. "He said 'you're not going to school today', so I just had to stay home a take care of my sister." He explained, flipping the page.

Vance nodded with a small 'Ah, okay', looking around Bruce's room. Then he found Bruce's record collection. "Holy shit, man," He mumbled, crouching down to look through it. Bruce glanced at Vance, but not really paying mind to him. "I love your music taste."

"Thanks," Bruce muttered out, mouthing the rest of the sentence he read. "What are you doing here?"

"The campus officers caught me fighting someone, so I made a run for it. Your place was the only place I knew I could hide, you know?" Vance mumbled, allowing himself to fall into the hammock. "You cool with me stayin' here for a bit?"

"Yeah, I'm fine with it," Bruce shrugged. "Just know my sisters downstairs."

He looked over at the blond, seeing as blood ran down the side of the boys head. "Holy shit!" He yelled, throwing his book to the side. "What happened in that fight?" He asked with horror.

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