Chapter 6

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"To sum everything up.." Chaerim says pausing and processing

then saying again "So he texted you today, you threw your phone across your office..then you went to buy a new phone meeting Guwon in there..he made some comments and helped you buy the phone..minutes later he put his arm around you saying to the cashier because he said that you are pretty and Guwon then called you his girlfriend?"

Yuwon blinks and nods as Chaerim sums up the last chapters

"Is that correct?" Chaerim asks still being a bit confused

"yea, that's what happened today" Yuwon says sighing.

"That's soooo danm confusing" Chaerim exclaims

"I know, what should I do now.?" Yuwon asks being not sure what to do.

"Well do you like him?" Chaerim say, slightly curious about your answer

Yuwon clears her throat and thinks..she then takes a new can full of beer, opens it and drinks it till nothing was left

"Eonni.." Chaerim says a bit was the first time Yuwon drunk a whole can without a pause

Yuwon takes a second can and drinks it till again nothing was left..saying, and I quote

"I hate and I mean hate him he is arrogant and thinks he can do whatever he want, I spent
₩1,352,629 on a new phone because of him, only to be called his girlfriend? I don't care about the money I just don't like him calling me his girlfriend, like the audacity"

that Christmas tree destroyer was definitely now drunk, Yuwon doesn't like drinking but when she drinks she gets drunk easily

Chaerim sighs and says "eonni calm down first, okay?" she takes then a sip of her beer and pats Yuwon on her back saying "how about we go on a walk, fresh air could maybe help you clear your mind."

⊹ ・✧at the Han river✧・ ⊹

Yuwon and Chaerim went for a walk outside to the Han river because it's supposed to calm down and grand peacefulness (google).

Yuwon looks around breathing in and out taking in the fresh air which smelled like street food.

Chaerim said "shall we eat something?"

Yuwon smiles drunkly and nods. She sits down on a bench and waits there for Chaerim to buy two Corn Dog's

But what Chaerim didn't think of is that Yuwon could disappear, which happened in that moment.

Yuwon was gone and Chaerim had no idea where she was

Chaerim looks around asking other people if they saw Yuwon (she shows a picture of her)

Yet with no luck it's as if Yuwon was kidnapped by some creepy aliens.

Chaerim tried calling Yuwon by her phone however with no luck

So she decides to call Jaewhi (Jake), she says on the phone "Oppa, eonni is gone"

"What do you mean?" Jaewhi says a bit shocked

"Well we were drinking beer and she was a bit angry about something so I thought it would be a good idea to go out for some fresh air and she sat down on a bench and..and I went to buy corn dogs for us but when I came back she was gone" As Chaerim speaks it's noticeable that she is a bit nervous.

"Great job, where are you right now?" Jake says it with obvious sarcasm, it seemed like he was already grabbing his car keys

"uhm i am at the Han river well in that park.."

"Wait there for me" with that he hangs up and makes his way over there

⊹ ・✧✾✧・ ⊹

Yuwon on the other hand was enjoying the fresh air smilling and chuckling and walking

Her cheeks will definitely hurt tomorrow..

Anyways as our dumb-smart pumpkin was walking around she spot Guwon sitting there in a pojangmacha, looking fine as always and drinking soju..

Even so he couldn't get drunk, Demons can't get drunk, that was an undeniable fact still Guwon likes the taste of it.

Yuwon goes or more like stumbles over there and chuckles sitting down then saying "hiiiii"

Guwon stops and looks over at Yuwon 'am I drunk? or hallucinating?' He thought that there was no way that she is there in front of him again

'was she following me, no wait don't tell me she's a stalker?' Guwon again thought placing his cup down saying "if that isn't Yuwon then my name isn't Guwon"

Yuwon looks at him confused she didn't understand it, she tilts her head and says "huh?"

Guwon blinks asking "Are you drunk?" That was the only possible explanation for why She was acting like that

Yuwon forms a smile and says "How did you know? I made my best to hide it"

"You smell like beer and behave like an idiot"
He says muttering "a cute one"

Yuwon then takes your glass and pours herself soju drinking it, then laughing

Guwon didn't know what was going on, how the fvck did he once again end up with her?

He then asks "how did you even come here?"

"I was with Chaerim and then I was here" she chuckles smiling like a drunk idiot

"So you just disappeared? and left Chaerim there alone?" He asks

Yuwon nods and says in a high pitched voice "I feel like a ghost"

Guwon sighs and takes away her glass every time she tries to drink more then thinking
'Chaerim must be worried I should call her'

Instead Jaewhi called Guwon, he answers the call and says "Guwon?"

"Yeah, what's up?" Guwon says watching every move Yuwon makes

"I am here with Chaerim and she kinda lost Yuwon, do you mind helping us?"

"Oh well Jae, she is here with me right now as I was drinking something she saw me and came over" Guwon says still talking to Jaewhi and still taking Yuwons glass everytime she tries to drink something.

Jaewhi sigh in relief and tells Chaerim then talking to Guwon saying "I was soooo damn worried about her"

Guwon then replies "no worries though, you two can go home now I'll take care of my girlfriend"

And with that he simply hangs up making Jaewhi wonder if Guwon was joking or not...

Yuwon looks at Guwon not sure about what to say or even do

You've got to be kidding me..

⊹ ・✧✾✧・ ⊹

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