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The morning mist draped the hospital grounds in a delicate veil, while a chilly breeze whispered through the corridors, carrying the promise of winter. Vidhi maneuvered her sleek Mercedes through the entrance, the soft hum of the engine blending with the tranquil atmosphere.

Stepping out, she adorned a classic trench coat, the collar turned up against the brisk air. With graceful strides, she entered the hospital, exuding an air of effortless elegance that captivated the staff's attention. Their eyes sparkled in recognition as they respectfully greeted her, a testament to the respect she commanded. Vidhi acknowledged their greetings with a nod and warm smiles.

With fifteen minutes to spare before her scheduled meeting with the hospital chief, Vidhi gracefully navigated towards the OBGYN section. Ignoring the protocol, she entered an office without so much as a knock, where the nameplate proudly read "Dr. Namrata Sethi"-a beacon of both professional prowess and cherished friendship.

In these fleeting moments before her official duty called, Vidhi relished these friendly encounters with Namrata, her only confidante within these polished hospital corridors.

"Good morning, beautiful," Namrata chirped, her gaze lighting up as she looked at her best friend.

"Good morning!" Vidhi's smile illuminated the room as she settled into the seat opposite Namrata's desk.

"Clocked in so early today? Didn't you just leave the hospital at 4 in the morning today?" Concern lingered in Namrata's eyes.

"Yeah, there was some high-profile case. The Chief wanted me on it, so he called me in," Vidhi replied, idly toying with the paperweight on the table.

"At this rate, you'll drop dead, woman. I can never understand how you function with so little sleep. It's beyond me," Namrata shook her head, fully aware of her friend's addiction to work.

"I can survive," Vidhi responded, raising both hands in a gesture to show she could handle it.

"By the way, I'm here to check in on you! How are the wedding preparations going?" Vidhi asked, leaning in with her elbows on the table, genuinely eager to hear about her best friend's wedding plans.

"Hriday's taking care of everything; I honestly don't have a clue what that man is up to," Namrata chuckled, a blush coloring her cheeks as she mentioned her fiancé. Vidhi caught onto this subtle display and couldn't help but smile internally.

With their wedding scheduled by year's end, Namrata and Hriday's love story held many tales, but those would have to wait for another day. Vidhi's priority lay in her impending meeting with the Chief for now.

"Let's catch up after our shift ends," Vidhi affirmed with a warm smile, gracefully departing from Namrata's office. With purposeful steps, she navigated the corridor, heading towards the Chief's office, ready for her scheduled meeting.


Behind the colossal wooden desk, Dr. Mihir Kapadia, the hospital's Chief, sat, his features etched with concern, eyebrows slightly furrowed, portraying a hint of worry. Within the walls of his office, an unspoken tension loomed, thickening the air.

Seated across from Dr. Kapadia was the titan of the country's business world, his presence commanding the room. Beside him, an elderly woman, her eyes reflecting the same worry etched on her son's face, showing they shared the same concern. On the other side rested the man's ailing father, completing the trio sitting opposite the Chief in the room.

"Dr. Kapadia, I need the best doctor available, regardless of whether they're here or not. If you don't have one in your hospital, recruit from anywhere. I'll take care of their transfer. Just do everything you can to get my dad back on his feet," the businessman demanded, his authoritative demeanor slipping to reveal an underlying sense of helplessness regarding his father's condition.

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