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"Before the time began, there was the cube. We know not where it comes from. Only that it holds the power to create worlds and fill them with life. That is how our race was born. For a time, we lived in harmony. But like all great power, some wanted it for good, others for evil. And so began the war."

"A war that ravaged our planet, until it was consumed by death. And the Cube was lost to the far reaches of space."

"we scattered across the galaxy, hoping to find it and rebuild our home. Searching every star, and every world."

"And just when all hope seeme lost, message of a new discovery drew us to the an unknown planet called."

" Earth"

"But we were already too late."


Earth, Fire, Air, Water. Only the Avatar can master these all four elements and bring the balance to the world. The Avatar, who have the ability to bend this four elements to keep the world safe and balance. Like how Avatar Aang manage to defeat the fire lord Ozai at the age of 12 and Avatar Korra, who manage to safe both earth and the spirit realm.

However, as much years have passed, the world have slowly grown into modern technology. All the benders on earth have somehow disappeared. And that includes the Avatar as well as the world no longer needed them as the Reincarnation of the avatar have stop.

However, over thousands of years have passed, when Earth went onto world war, the reincarnation of the avatar restart, bringing the new Avatar into the mist of war. Avatar Kara, born during the mist of war, have found herself being the reincarnation of the previous avatars before herself.

Start training herself in order to mastered all four elements with the guidance of the previous avatar before her. Not long she join at the war when she saw how much destruction that the war has brought. Especially how the war have brought pain and suffering to her after she have lost her family during that time.

Not long, the 9 benders have slowly comes around when the Avatar Kara began her debut. Now 10 of them continued helping the soldiers and ended of the war once more. They continued on serving and helping with the government before they decided to step back and not working along side with the government due to the distrust and dark ambition of the government that Avatar Kara did not like it.

And so, she decided to create her group with the other 9 benders. They called themselves. . . .











Earth's Guardians.

Over time, the continued doing their own good things, without government stopping them from helping others and bring good. Thinking that the war is over. . . but all it change when one of them found themselves getting drag into unfamiliar war that they are not part with.


Ben p.o.v

Here i am, acting as a soldier of war as i was assign to be a spy on what the government is doing if they went too far or not. We are now deploying back after serving in the military as i could hear cheerful chattering from different soldiers around me." Oh god, five months of this." I heard from Figueroa or Fig said while smiling.

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