Chapter 8

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One minute she was cursing and raging at him, the next thing she knew, his mouth was on hers. He lightly kissed the corner of her mouth and she stiffened in his arms for what she sarcastically thought was the hundredth time that evening and clamped her mouth shut. But he was relentless. Softly kissing her bottom lip then her top lip and trailing his tongue over where he'd kissed. She tried, goddess help me, she thought as she tried to hold fast. But it was so tender, so reverent, she felt her resolve weaken. She felt her body ignoring her mind's plea to resist and melt in his embrace.

He teased the corner of her mouth with his tongue once more and that was all it took for her to respond. She kissed him back and he slanted his mouth over hers and deepened the kiss, running his tongue over her lip, into her mouth exploring and claiming. Marking every nook and cranny as his. And he tasted divine. She hated herself for thinking this, he was too proud for his own good but oh he did. He had his free hand firmly in her hair holding her to him. The hand holding both of hers behind her back crushed her impossibly closer to him and he groaned and nipped at her bottom lip before sucking it one last time and breaking the kiss, then it occurred to her. My first kiss, stolen!

She pulled her head back and butted him hard. "Ow!" He shouted but instead of letting her go he pulled her further in, to her astonishment. "What was that for? I thought you enjoyed it."

"You stole my first kiss." She accused. "That was your first kiss?" He gave her a very satisfied male grin. "It's not funny!" She exclaimed. She knew she sounded like an even bigger brat than he was but she couldn't help herself. Anything was better than the feelings that kiss left her with. "It was going to be mine either way it was just a matter of time," He said placatingly. She knew that, she definitely did. "It was supposed to be given to you freely, you weren't supposed to savagely take it, you brat." She seethed.

"Fine, next time I'll ask first." He offered and kissed her temple. This earned him a knee to the thigh, dangerously close to his sensitive region but all that did was make him chuckle again. "Stop kissing me Ander, and can you please, please let me go so I can go home?" She needed to get home, she needed distance between herself and this brat. And thankfully, he did what she asked.

But only so he can grab her hand and loop it into his, bringing her hand to rest on his, she hated that she noticed, very muscular, very defined bicep. "What do you think you're doing?"

"Taking my mate home, why?"

"I don't want you to."

"OK then let me rephrase, I was getting off work and you're on my way so do you mind if I keep you company?" He asked.

"I don't like you Lysander Hunters." She said through gritted teeth because he had already opened the door. "Oh, I know that," he replied cheerfully, "Wanna know what else I know?" She had a feeling that she shouldn't want to. But she stupidly asked, "What Ander?" He leaned in so close his lips brushed her ear as he whispered, "You forget you don't like me when you're busy returning my kisses."

Aargh freaking conceited brat. She was sure by now her face was crimson from the pent up anger, and belatedly remembered that her hair was probably mussed and her lips might still be swollen for all she knew, and that was not a good look as they were in the hallway with a few passersby who were smiling at them, no doubt having overheard his whispered comment and seeing the way she looked had mistaken her red splotchy face for embarrassment. Goddess she wanted to kill him. He chuckled and put his hand over hers on his arm as he led her out the building. She did not find this situation remotely funny but she didn't want to talk to him either so she quietly fumed beside him as they walked home.

She hated the fact that he'd distracted her and smoothly evaded her argument and now he was getting his way. She was being escorted home by him and she couldn't argue or attack him in front of the pack wolves. Well, two can play that game, mate. Because the smell of desire permeated the air when she started kissing him back, and hers wasn't the strongest scent.

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