Chapter 11

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It took Aubrie another two days and a whole lot of clucking and mothering by the two Lunas to heal completely and leave her bedroom. The only person worse than the mothers was Ander. He was overbearing and overly concerned you'd think he was a Luna himself. To her annoyance, he was the one that insisted she keep to her room for the two days before going downstairs and when she'd healed completely he insisted on carrying her down the stairs to which she put her foot down. "You can walk with me and I'll let you know if I need you to carry me," she ground out and he reluctantly agreed. To her disappointment, once she left her room the mothers completely left her at Ander's mercy, concentrating all their efforts on preparing for the mating ceremony, and Belle was constantly off somewhere with Ethan. The only moments of peace she had was when Ander was called off to the office or if he was assisting either Luke or Ryan, who were out looking for the attackers' trail.

If Ander wasn't at home hovering over her he had Ethan work from home and he and Mirabelle kept her indoors until he got back. She was not to go outside without him. Of course, she seethed at this news and replied tartly, "I can take you out in five seconds and you think you can keep me in here?" Ethan gave her a humourless smile and replied, "I know, but I'd rather carry out my orders and get beaten up by you than disappoint my Alpha and best friend." Aubrie stalked off to her room and stayed locked in there until dinner.

When she did get a chance to go outside it was always on Ander's arm and they'd always walk the dirt road to the pack business hub where the shops and restaurants were. They'd walk around, she'd see something she wanted, Ander would tell the owners to put it on the alpha account then they'd have lunch before heading back. Always with warrior wolves scattered within twenty or so meters from them. It was all getting so suffocating she couldn't take it anymore. She hated all the restrictions, it was just too much. She badly wanted to visit Spring City especially since Belle had been there twice already in the almost two and a half weeks they were in Northern Springs.

And she wanted to hate Ander for it but he was a perfect gentleman every time he was with her, and he was kind and thoughtful. She also realised something else that greatly disconcerted her. That feeling of a missing piece of her that she didn't know was missing until she found it every time Ander got near didn't go away when she healed. She still felt it, in fact now she could swear she felt him, every time he came home or was walking nearer to the house, she would know no matter which part of the house she was in. And even though he was intense in his concern for her and overly strict with her which often lead to her trying her very best to ignore him and remain cross every time he spent time with her, she loved it when he did spend time with her and she loved the fact that even though they'd started off badly, he was putting a lot of effort into making her get used to him and his concern for her was genuine and he was often affectionate, touching her cheek, tucking her hair behind her ear and kissing her on the cheek and temple or forehead. He didn't try to kiss her on the lips again, he did ask but she never gave him permission to, she couldn't take the intensity of it all because she realized she missed him when he had to go away for some time, so much that it mortified her.

She was lounging on the couch casually flipping through channels on the huge flat screen television after her tenth consecutive loss at one of the boys' many video games when her salvation walked in and flopped on the couch next to her in the form of Luke. "Whatcha doing there sissy?"

"Making the most of what my life has come to," She replied with a sniff. "What are you doing here? Did you find something?" She asked eagerly. And for the first time since she met Lycus Hunters, she saw that he looked resigned, tired and very disappointed when he sighed and replied, "No, I was too late to pick up the trail and when I did, it had already gotten cold. Lead me right back to the Pen City where Ryan is in, Big Bro was none too happy about that but he told me to rest up and keep you company, we think they're on the run and maybe the witch is with them this time. Ander and Ryan might find something."

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