Party With a Pony

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Scene begins on exterior shot of the Diaz Household.

Marco: All right, Y/N, Star...

Cut to interior – kitchen.

Marco: Feast your eyes on this!
Marco reveals a plateful of hot, cheesy nachos.

Star: (singing) Marco's Super Awesome Nachos!

Star claps excitedly and picks up a nacho.
Star: [gasps] Triangle food!
You: (smiling) man I love you

Marco smiles blushing, "really?!"

You look up at him confused. "I was talking to the nachos..."

Marco: oh..

There's a knock at the door. Marco answers. No one's there. Marco looks around and then Marco sees Pony Head.

Pony Head:     Yo, what up, home fries?
Marco:    [screams]
Marco falls over, spilling his nachos.

You came out the kitchen seeing Marco on the floor as you picked him up with one hand looking at the headed pony.

Star: [gasps] Oh, my gosh!

Star knocks Marco over making him fall back on the floor as she steps on him

Marco: [groans]

Star: Flying Princess Pony Head!
Pony Head:    
Oh, hello, "B-Fly"!

Star hugs Pony Head and giggles.

Pony Head: Girl, we're going out tonight! Are you ready to make some ba-a-ad choices?

Star: Let me just wake up Marco and Y/N.

Marco lies on the ground, motionless and covered in nachos and cheese as you eat off his body tiredly about to fall asleep.

Pony Head: Oh, that is not a dead people?

Marco: Not... dead... [groans] stop eating off my body!!
You didn't respond snoring as your body continues to eat.

Star picks Marco up as Marco slaps you awake.

Star: Pony Head, meet my best friends Marco Diaz and (Y/N) (L/N)

Pony Head: Your best friends?

Star: Huh? Oh, no-no-no! On Earth! You're my best friend on Mewni. Marco, Y/N this is the pony I've been telling you about.

Pony Head: [snorts] I hate your faces. Plus you're ugly. [laughs] Just kidding. That's a joke. Tick-tock, girl. Let's paaartaaay!

You just yawn unbothered, now if you were really mad you would've said something back. But now you wanna be nice since you are sleep deprived at the moment.

Star: Yeah, Marco and Y/N! Let's paaartaaay!

Marco: With her? Um, okay, well, I was gonna... But I... we was gonna...

Star gives a sad puppy-dog pout.

You whispered in Marco's ear, "let's just go man.."

Marco:    I... Ugh. Alright.
He had slightly pouted at you but you put on your (shoes/sandals/slippers)

Marco picks a nacho off his shirt and eats it, handing one to you as you ate it off his hand, your sharp teeth almost connecting with his finger as he jolts.

Star: My three besties are gonna be besties!
Pony Head: Sweet! Let's go!

Pony Head reveals a pair of dimensional scissors in her mouth.
Star: [gasps] Dimensional scissors?! Aah! Jealous!

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