Stolen Lives

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When Nations decide to go to War, who goes to the fight?

Never the politicians, generals or leaders, you know this is right,

Young men are conscripted, sacrificed for the task,

They should be proud to serve their Nation,

Don't you think, it is not to much too ask?

Fete them all as heroes, praise them to the hilt,

Praise their courage but never let them know your guilt.

Send them off to do the deeds, to murder and manslaughter,

Poorly equipped, out of their depth, lambs sent to the slaughter,

Those who fight wars today even send their daughters.

Decisions made from safety zones far from the front lines,

Oblivious to the carnage, suffering and war crimes,

Lip service paid to the mourning of the relatives of the dead,

The injured and broken hidden away, turn away your head,

The battle must be won no matter how long the time.

Dreams die with these young men, what might their lives have seen,

We will never know the things they lost, or what might have been,

They may have made great music, invented a vaccine,

Had children, raised a family, brought much joy to the scene,

Your wars steal their lives and terminate their dreams.


Written by Vernicho ( 25 March 2013 )  Copyright ( All Rights Reserved )

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2013 ⏰

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