God Vs. Hybrid

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Niklaus' teeth sunk it's way into Thor's as he scared out in excruciating pain..despite being a god it seemed that not even he was immune to being bitten by a hybrid as Thor grabs Niklaus by his werewolf neck then threw him away as the hybrid just lands on his feet and let out a howl

Thor goes down to a knee as he puts his hand on his shoulder then looks at the palm to see blood coming out of him as he glares at the hybrid as the two charge at each other once more as Thor holds his hand out and he catches his axe then just as the werewolf jumps at him, the god of thunder hits him with the axe sending him crashing through multiple trees until his body stops near a cabin in the woods

Niklaus changes back into his human form lying there naked as he starts to get up and shakes off the feeling of the axe as he stands up and kicks the cabin door down as he lets out a groan then goes over and grabs a pair of pants and sticks them on before grabbing a shirt

Suddenly he hears a door open as he spins around seeing a man standing there as he instantly rushes at him and sank his teeth into his neck causing him to scream out in pain but Klaus didn't care about that, only needing to regain his strength

Letting him go, Klaus held him by the back of his neck as he bite into his wrist and forced the man to drink his blood as his wound healed instantly and Klaus dragged him over to the door as he kicked it open and walked outside while keeping ahold of him

Thor arrived landing on the ground with his axe in hand and a look of anger on his face as he sees the hybrid along with the man as he immediately spoke

Thor: Let him go!

Klaus, unfazed by Thor's commanding presence, tightened his grip on the captive and with a wicked smirk, he compelled the man, locking eyes with him as the supernatural compulsion took effect

Klaus: Forget this ever happened, mate. Run as fast as you can and get somewhere safe.

The compelled man stumbled away with his mind now wiped clean of the encounter, as Klaus pushed him to the ground as the man, disoriented but alive, wasted no time as he got up and fled away

Klaus turned his attention back to Thor as the God of Thunder, refrained from speaking and twirled his axe with a controlled rage and without uttering a word, Thor soared towards Klaus, with his axe poised to strike

While Thor did this, Klaus charged at Thor as well as the collision between god and hybrid was thunderous and the impact sent shockwaves through the air as the two formidable beings crashed into the cabin with a force that shook the very foundations of the structure

Lightning streaked across the sky, illuminating the chaos below as the cabin became caught in the crossfire of the supernatural forces and couldn't withstand the sheer might of the clash as that very same lighting struck the structure, and in a burst of energy, it exploded into a shower of debris

Once the chaos subsided and the dust settled, the remnants of the cabin lay in ruins as Klaus and Thor both lied on the ground as the god of thunder was the first to get up to his feet as he goes over and lifts Niklaus up and holds him by his neck

Letting out a cough, Klaus just starts laughing at the god as he tells him

"In hindsight mate, at least we know a hybrid is strong enough to go up against a god."

But Thor wasn't interested in hearing jokes as he slams the hybrid on the ground and his axe comes to his hand and he points it at his neck

Thor: You will pay for what you've done.

Klaus, meeting the god's seething gaze, couldn't help but feel a twinge of genuine fear as the raw anger coming from Thor was a force to be reckoned with, as Klaus let out a gulp and raised his hands

"I've done a lot of things in my lifetime, mate. You'll have to be more specific."

Thor unyielded in his wrath, tightened the grip of his axe on Klaus' neck

Thor: Jane Foster. I know you were the last person to see her alive.

The mention of Jane stirred something in Klaus as his fear turned into a mask of contemplation and there was a slight flicker of something unreadable in his eyes as Thor, sensed the shift and moved the axe slightly away from his neck to allow him to speak as Klaus replied nonchalant

"Missing, you say? I'm afraid I don't keep tabs on every human I come across."

Thor was undeterred and he issued a stern warning

Thor: Do not toy with me, Mikaelson. If you've harmed her...

But ever the master of deflection, Klaus shot back with a hint of defiance and a smirk on his face, masking the fear lurking in his eyes

"You'll what?"

His patience worn thin, Thor threw the axe aside and seized Klaus by the throat, lifting him off the ground

Thor: Enough of your foolish games, Mikaelson. You know who Jane is!

"I'm afraid I don't!"

But Thor's anger became too much as he let out a horrific scream and launched the hybrid as he flew through the air and crashed to the ground once more

To Be Continued....

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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