Changing The Script

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Tyler had a pretty interesting week, not only had his body been taken over by Klaus but now he was the target of someone out to get him; first he'd shook the hand of a man who wore vervain on his gloves but the very same man shot him in the church

Tyler and his mother returned to their home as Tyler sees two unfamiliar faces standing inside as he eyes them with a cautious stare

Tyler: Who the hell are you two?

Carol: Tyler, it's okay.

Carol tells him in a reassuring tone before telling him

Carol: They're here for your protection.

Tyler gave his mother a bothered look knowing he was fully capable of taking care of himself

Tyler: More deputies?

"Not exactly."

Klaus says walking into the room having heard the exchange as he sees the hybrid that he once inhabited as one of his hybrids follow close behind him while Tyler sighs knowing who his protection is

Tyler: They're hybrids.

"I was halfway through a bottle of burbon when I heard you were attacked. I had hoped to stay out of Mystic Falls business but duty calls."

Klaus tells him with a sly smirk on his face

Tyler: Nice to know you care.

"Good news is, I'm starting too."

Klaus tells him though he still remembered what Tyler and his friends did to him and would've brought it up but honestly didn't blame them given he would've done the same thing

Tyler scoffs at his comment then lays his hands on the flower table in front of him and leans in

Tyler: Since when do you care about anyone but yourself?

Klaus steps forward to him and tells him

"I've had the hand of god in my chest."

Tyler raises a brow at what he felt like Klaus' way of humor then Klaus says

"I don't believe in god. But what I do know to be true is that you hybrids are a dying breed. I can't make more them and I won't have anyone taking liberties with the ones I have left."

Klaus starts to walk backwards and points to his hybrids telling Tyler they're his new bodyguards then walks into the other room as he turns around to another one of his hybrids

"You care for me?"

His hybrid nods then Klaus chuckles and puts his hand on his shoulder

"I never got your name."

Hybrid: James...

"Well, James, congrats, mate. You're my deputy. And as my deputy, you have one job."

James: Anything, sir.

"Protecting Elena Gilbert. Keep your eyes on her, you understand me?"

James nods then heads off to comply to Klaus' orders as he turns around to see Tyler standing there who could hear the whole conversation as the original hybrid turns and walks away leaving Tyler with only one question

Tyler: Why the hell does he want Elena protected?


The sunshine settles into the former classroom of Alaric Satzman the now deceased history teacher as Elena and Stefan walk in and then and take their seats

Elena started to tap her foot on the floor, after her confusing encounter with Klaus she had found herself with a feeling she couldn't figure out but that feeling had been changed to sadness

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