An Apologetic Man

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It had been twenty-four hours since Klaus' "incident" and the bodies just seemed to pile up in his luxurious living room now having sucked the blood dry from seven innocent people and surprisingly he didn't care as he threw his latest victim on the ground then grabbed some paper towels and cleaned his hands before cleaning his mouth

He looks up at the ceiling and lets out a heavy breath before chuckling

"Who knew blood had such a great taste?"

Klaus' joy was soon broken as his sister, Rebekah walks into the room instantly taking notice to his mess around the room and scoffs

Rebekah: You just can't help yourself, can't you?

He laughs noticing his sister as he takes a seat on the couch and lifts his feet up to the table as he pours himself a glass of bourbon

"What else can I say, sister? Other than the fact that for the first time in a thousand years I'm quite enjoying myself."

Klaus sips from his glass letting a sly smirk pry on his lips as Rebekah can't help but to feel something is wrong with her brother...she expected this type of thing from Kol but never him

She walks over and kicks his feet off the table as Klaus scoffs and sets his glass down on the table and glares at her

Rebekah: What is going on with you, huh? Since when do you, "enjoy yourself"?

"I enjoy myself all the time thank you."

Klaus stands up and grabs his glass then hands it to Rebekah

"It's just in this case, I'm enjoying my freedom from those that threaten me."

Klaus pats her on the side of arm and goes to walk away but then Rebekah stops him by saying

Rebekah: Yeah, well you may have to put up with them for a little while longer, brother.

Klaus turns around to his sister and sees the worry on her face and goes over to her

"What's happened? Did you someone hurt you?"

Rebekah shakes her head and replies back

Rebekah: No, but someone did hurt Tyler. Someone with wolfsbane on a glove

Klaus thought back and couldn't figure on who he knew that did that; he shook his head knowing that he couldn't have someone out there who's a threat to his hybrids

"I'll take care of it."

He turns around and goes to walk away but Rebekah wasn't finished and asks

Rebekah: How are you going to handle it, Niklaus?

"I'm not sure yet."

He replied and left his house as he made his way to Tyler's but not before calling two of his hybrids and telling them to meet him there


Klaus made his way towards Tyler's as he came across the Mystic Grill as he turns his gaze and sees Elena sitting inside at the table

Despite other people, Klaus actually liked Elena and if it weren't for Stefan and Damon some of the decisions she's made wouldn't have happened if not for them; her life was abruptly changed by the arrival of the two brothers and she was forced into decisions not of her own free will

Klaus hadn't had felt it before but staring at the Gilbert girl with her brown hair blowing slightly with the wind and her eyes caring a sense of sadness made his heart skip a beat...apart of him felt sadness at the way his choices have affected her; he grits his teeth and takes a soft breath then heads inside to the mystic grill

The bar wasn't full but still had quite a few patrons as Klaus could feel his eyelids quenching at the smell of blood but did his best to fight off the urge to attack as he makes his way over to Elena and looks at the bartender

"Scotch. Make it a double love."

The bartender does as Klaus tells her as he takes a seat and looks at Elena

"Hello, Elena."

Elena wasn't in the mood for talking and just shifts her weight to the side but in the blink of an eye Klaus was on the other side of her getting use to his newfound speed ability

"Is that any way to treat a friend?"

Elena scoffs hearing the audacity from the evil hybrid as she glares and grits his teeth at him while she angrily tells him

Elena: You and I, we're not friends. We never will be friends and as far as I'm concerned, you're dead to me.

Elena stands up and walks away from Klaus as he felt a little guilty for the way he spoke to her though her words also did sting a little but didn't blame her for them as he lets out a sigh and then follows her out of the mystic grill

Upon making it outside, he sees her walking down the street as he shouts out to her

"I'm sorry."

Elena stops in her tracks upon hearing him and then slowly turns around to him

"What did you just say?"

Klaus scoffs and then slowly takes a step forward

"Do you really want me to repeat myself?"

Elena crossed her arms giving him a glare as Klaus could see that she definitely wanted him to say it again as he takes a step forward again

"I'm sorry."

Klaus admitted, his words hanging in the air like an unexpected breeze.

His words hung in the air like and unexpected breeze as Elena was taken aback by his sudden apology and remained cautious...she had too given everything he'd done to not only her but her friends

She responded back with her voice carrying a hint of skepticism

Elena: Look, whatever your game is—

It's not a game, love.

Klaus interjected taking another step closer and Elena instinctively took a step backward, maintaining a safe distance between herself and the original vampire

Klaus continued his words with his tone carrying a slight weight of genuine

"I know I've done some harsh things—things that I can't necessarily take back or be forgiven for. But I do hope that one day... one day, you could understand why I had to do them."

For the first time since she met him, Elena detected a shift in Klaus's eyes. It wasn't hate, anger, or even sadness; What she saw was sincerity—an apologetic man seeking understanding and forgiveness

Aware of Damon and Stefan's competitive interest in her, which had often felt like a game between the two brothers, Klaus took a deliberate step forward

To Elena's surprise, she found herself rooted in place; her entire body froze, as if Medusa had unleashed her snakes and turned her body to stone; Unable to move, it was as if she were held captive by an invisible force, a mysterious restraint that left her momentarily paralyzed

Their eyes locked, and Klaus extended his right hand, gently cupping her cheek. His touch was surprisingly tender as he ran his fingers through a strand of her hair, the unspoken apology lingering between them

Klaus finally spoke to her in a soft tone

"If it were me, I wouldn't need to beg for your love. I'd do everything in my power to earn it."

With those words, Klaus vanished from the newly formed vampire, leaving Elena entirely speechless as she grappled with the uncertainty of whether Klaus's words were genuine or merely his twisted way of playing a game with her

To Be Continued...

[A/N: So for anyone complaining about the way Klaus was in this chapter, suck it up. The point of this story is Klaus has been reborn. Not Klaus being reborn but still being the same exact person.]

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