chapter 8 coffee confrontation

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Hello again!!  Sorry for the no updates lol.

Time: Dec 15, 15:36, 2023

TW: f slur, discrimination.

ヾ⁠(⁠ ͝⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ͡⁠°⁠)⁠ノ⁠♪

The food finally came, Jack and Wilbur was talking to each other and Nikki just stared. She didn't know how to get Wilbur's attention and when the right moment was to come. She only stared, looking at jacks every move and then soon looked at his clothes, admiring It, she liked the way they fitted him and matched him. She smiled softly until she got a nudge by Techno.

"Hey, what's up? You feeling okay? You've been staring at Jack quite alot." Techno gave a smile and she gave a smile back.

"I'm okay." She looked him in the eyes, then went back looking around for jack but instead he wasn't there and he found Wilbur staring at George from across the table.

She wondered but again, Technoblade came to ask. "What'cha you thinking about?" He asked, trying to locate where they were looking at.

She soundless pointed at Wilbur but it could only been seen by techno. Techno "oh'd"  when he realized what she noticed.

"Wonder why he's looking at him?" Techno whispered.

"Nah, not a clue but maybe- ah- no, I won't go there." Nikki suddenly felt someone's arm brush against hers and it was the waitress from before, she served her food and it was a lovely homemade sandwich.

She thanked the waitress and then techno got served the same. Wilbur got served and got him out of his trans. The waitress smiled at him seductively and Wilbur moved his eyes away from her, she keped her hand on his shoulder. She then noticed where Wilbur's eyes were darted too, it was George still. She scoffed and put on a fake smile, "well then, enjoy your meals!" She then walked away.

Nikki then finally decided to go and talk to Wilbur. She sighed softly and got up. She took her food to another small table and left it there and tapped Wilbur on the shoulder.

"We need to talk, still." She whispered in his ear.

He nodded and took his food with him. He lifted the chair for his sister and let her sit,then sat across from her. They weren't so far from the group but they're conversation could not be that audible. The waitress stared at them, she gasped and she pouted as she served another set of food to another customer. After she was done she asked her co-worker to cover for her.

Wilbur sat and waited for  Nikki, making he made sure that she was comfortable enough to talk. She sighed and looked at Wilbur.

"So, I've been having these things that I'm seeing. It's not dreams or anything but it feels like a vision- I don't like the sound of it being a vision but it basically is."

"Well what did you see?" He asked sincerely.

"Well- it looked really weird. There was this man talking to me- he's name was Dash I think. He was really creepy-! He kept on talking about me being a wizard -?? When I'm not, I'm a red panda. He kept on telling me and showing me this thing he called 'the prophecy', I told him I knew nothing about it and then he started showing me this eye thing- I don't remember well enough for it or know how to explain it but he kept on saying to me and repeating it. Then he hurt me and I didn't know what to do-"

NIkki gets cut off by the waitress from earlier. Wilbur scoffed and gave an annoyed look.

"Yes? Is there something you need-"

"Hey that's my job!" She said cockingly, shifting her body alot while she popped gum.

"So like, I really just like wanted to say like, how I really like, like your style. It's soooooooo vintage. Like I like vintage guys, you don't even know!!!' she laughed, her voice was unpleasant, annoying and so was her laugh.

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