Plucked Daisy 'Four'

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Days went by,
Both the males, were out their teenage. Taehyung was 23 and jungkookie was 25.

Such a long time no?
But what happened during this time?
Were taekook still friends?

Well yes!
Nothing changed between the loving family.
But Taehyung realized his feelings for his hyung a long long ago.

He was aware of his love towards the elder male. He didn't even tried to surpress it. But guess what the older was too naive to understand all this. The younger always clinges to him, But to him it never felt any other thing then being childhood buddies.

And taehyung didn't even tried to force his feelings out to his hyung. He thought that the elder male will analyze it by time.

Currently, Jungkook was preparing to lend his journey with his mother. In her company. As he was the only heir in family.

He was training for last 2 years to set his step into the feild. He was nervous, but having a family support was more than enough for him.

Also, Tae is a senior. Pursuing his majors in photography, it was his last year.

He was aware of his interest towards photography. So he made his hobby his Career.

And jungkook was so proud of his Bear, Who was always passionate and sincere towards his Choices.

He was so happy that he organized a little date for both of them and they both enjoyed eating the street food, having a sweet desert afterwards.

But again, It was the time for jungkook to start his work, he was interviewed and trained but on his first day, people still mistaked him as a parachute manager.

[ Meaning: In korea if you are informally registered as a worker in a company through a friend or Family member, you are said to be a parachute member ]

But he didn't even tried to correct them.. time by time they got to know it as they became friends with the friendly yet charming intern.

Jungkook was always perfect in everything. He always surrounds a mesmerising aura around himself that can attract even a non living thing. He was so dainty & soft to everything, they people can't ignore. On the very first day people thought that the CEO's Son would be rude and bossy. But it turned out to be opposite.

And when jungkookie came home, he rushed to his watchman uncle feeding him sweets and giving him extra to feed his kids at home. The watchman couldn't help but to coo at the cute male, hugging his small frame his eyes shimmering with fresh unshed tears.

And jungkook was so overwhelmed with the hug, He thought that his dad come back. A lone tear slipped his cheek but it was wiped out sweetly by a rough warn hand of the Old male. He told the male not to cry and blessed him to reach every boundries of success. Jungkook smiled sweetly, and rushed inside the mansion mumbling a thankyou to the old man.

As soon as he stepped inside he started shouting, calling his jinnie and mom. His mother was on leave today, As she was feeling a bit low, Jungkookie tried to postpone his first day ensuring her mother that it is okay, and he will take care of her. But to his good deeds, he got a smack on his head by none other than jin. Who told him that he can take care of her better than him. He is not a potato or a cabbage who can't move or smothing.

And jungkook couldn't do anything but regret offering help to his mother. Who was laying there laughing watching his son and jinnie bickering. Anyways,

Jungkook loosed his tie and again shouted calling for both the member of his house. Jin came out huffing from the stairs, and mumbled a 'what happened?' He was scared that why was the male shouting downstairs madly.. did some dog bited him or he brusied himelf while walking or something?

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