Plucked Daisy 'One'

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Jeon Industrial,
The top most MNC taking over South Korea & specific parts of and around the world.

And Empowering the youth also.
Because the CEO and Founder of the MNC is none another that Mrs. Jeon.
She has always been an inspiration for youth.

A quote is there,
Behind every successful man there is a women.

She proved this quote. But in vice-versa.
Her husband Mr. Jeon. The Co founder of The Jeon Industrial, Was her biggest supporter.

From her teenage to her beeing an adult. He stood beside her. Not in front or behind her.
Because all a person needs is a supporter.

And there life bloomed, when Mrs. Jeon announced that she is conceiving.
Jeon mansion was filled with lights and colours, And most of all happiness. Soon enough they were blesses with a baby boy.. Jungkook.

He was As precious as Gold. Even more than that. So dainty, so soft and beautiful.

But their life soon turned over when Mr. Jeon passed away due to an accident.
Eventually it payed an immensive impact on the family as well as the Company.

But Mrs. Jeon didn't gave up. She handled all of it without any ounce of struggle. She claims that her baby was her strength.

When jungkook was an toddler, her mother always kept him beside. Even in her office.
She didn't let her baby feel the absence of a father. She pampered him requiredly.

Time changes, with everything. Jungkook was not a toddler anymore, He started speaking, writing, colouring, dancing, playing etc. Which ofcourse is an indication of him growing up.

His mother, was very enough concerned about him. She needs to handle company, her home as well as jungkookie.

All of this at once was tough. Also Her baby needs to be admissioned in school.
So as kookie turned 2. She decided to admission him in a kindergarden.

A few years later,
Everything was well settled but because of her long hours of working, she couldn't pay attention to her baby more, He was already four now.

She blinked an idea of hiring a personal helper who would pay attention to his baby 24/7. Which will be helpful to her enough.

Mrs. Jeon interviewed multiples, but at last choose a person named Jin, who was also a single parent. Struggling financially.
Understanding his problem, She decided to help him by guiding him to admission his son in the same school as his kookie, also payed him advance to do so.

Jin was grateful of Mrs. Jeon and agreed to work as a personal inchief for Jungkookie.  fulfilling the formalities, They exchanged theie numbers.

Jin is gonna start his work in jeon mansion by today. He admissioned his 3 years old son in the same School as Jungkookie's.

He entered the jeon mansion only to find a hoping bunny, in a pair of bunny onesie. But soon enough he stopped hopping when he saw a fugure standing just behind him with a baby in his hands.

He curiously asked,
"Who ale yow?"

Meanwhile, jin was cooing at the cutest baby infront of him. Even more cuter than his one, who was now awake from sleeping.

"Hello jungkookie, I am Jin. Your friend. I will live with you from now on. Okie?"
Jin said very softly, bending down a little to reach the bunny's small height.

"Otay, eomma toldw me bout youw jinnie" Jungkook said, and jin nooded. But the toddler in his hand starting crying and wailing loudly.

"Shh, shh why are you crying baby, i just fed you shh" Jin was trying to sush the baby in his hands.

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