Beginning of Husband of (Doll name)

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Tiffany POV

I was looking for the remains of (Reader) but I finally found where her remains were at. There was news saying the remains were in the evidence but it was a locker. So I called the cop and gave him a deal.

After our call I noticed his car had arrived so I got back to the police car. I saw him looking at the bag as he started to be noisy and shit so I pulled his head and slit his throat. I look inside the car to find a lighter.

"Cool' I grab the bag and open it up to see (Reader) doll face I grab her face "Well, hello, dolly. I got back to my trailer and to put her back together when I arrived there I put salt underneath her in a star that was surrounded by candles. I got the book and I did the chants.

After that, I grabbed the candle and did the chant. "A wake" but nothing happened "A wake" but still nothing "a wake." I tried more times even hitting the doll while looking at the book.

I threw the book, getting irate. I got up to get a cigarette then there was a knock on the door. I opened it to see my unwanted boyfriend.

Damien oh this boy is such a pig I know what he does " Hey Tiffany!" he shouted. I sign, getting an annoyed look. "What are you doing here?" "Come on! Let me in, will ya I will catch my death right here?" He asked "Promise... Promise" I moved to the side so he could get in.

"Thanks" Then Damien got in my trailer and sat on my chair. "Oh hey check it out." I got confused when he handed me a photo "What? Who is it?" He looked at me.

"You mean who was it?" I look at the photo to see a dead man covered in blood. "Oh my god you did a number on him didn't you." "What did he use? Was he bloody? Did he scream a lot?" I noticed the black nail polish "I recognize the nail polish" I then heard the man say s*** "You never really actually killed anybody, did you?

Did you? Did you pathetic worm!!" I look back to see if (Reader) is still there but the doll is gone and his footsteps. I was so happy that she was now alive again in my world. I look around to see where she is.

"Damien" the man was on the floor on his knees he was about to stand up "Back on your knees crawl." he then started to crawl over to me "And the floor on your back" The man got his back then a spider got to his face "(Reader) how did you get out." I put the spider back where it belonged and then the lights were turned off.

Damien then got to my bed on his knees "Tiffany" I looked up and he started to say stuff that I didn't get. I was confused about what he meant by "What?" I went to go to the other room but turned my head to see what he meant. "Don't you think you've kept me waiting long enough?" "You know what the French call an orgasm look petite Morty."

he was still in the bed and was underneath the covers. "Come on Tiffany, let's die a little." there was lighting.

I looked by my side to scream to get a jump scare but I noticed it was (Reader). Damien got by me, grabbed the doll, and started to say "Hi I'm (Doll Name) wanna play." Damien looked at me and I said "It's the actual doll those mass murder events happen to so stitched them together."

he gave me a disgusted face that he did not believe me. "No, I'm not kidding" "Tiffany I knew you were obsessed with the 80s this is scary." I responded "Yes she is" "Look at me punk" he then kept hitting her then he started to put the doll on his hip and went up and down which made me very jealous and angry at the fact he touched her.

I was so annoyed with this man that I needed to get him out to "It is an interesting toy you wanna play with". The man responded "Okay" so I got him into straps in police chains in my bed. I got on top of him "Are you ready for amnesia delight" I then put (Reader) on top of him "Know you watch me both of you."

I then started to stand up with the tight black lingerie that I would wear for (Reader) I then gave them a show for (Reader) to enjoy. The man asked, "Why the doll?" She has a very bad temper. You see, we lived together for years.

If anyone looks at me (Doll Name) will take care of them wouldn't you (Doll Name) we were gonna get married." the man looked down and up at the doll "Well you need someone big enough for you" the doll turned its head to look at Damien "hey the size that counts as an a**hole." The doll pulled its lattice piercing and the man was losing blood from his lip. She got the pillow and put it on top of him and sat on it and looked at me and gave me a wave.

It was so cute and delighted that she replied "Hey Tiffany how have you been" "Okay" while there was crying in the background. "What are you doing with this jerk anyway" "10 years is a long time (Doll name)" "I always thought you would let yourself go here." I grabbed (Reader) while she was touching my chest and poking it.

I pulled him to the kitchen to show him my Swedish meatballs "I made Swedish meatballs your favorite." I opened my drawers that had all the toys I saw (Reader) confused "What the hell is that?" I answered "It is a playpen silly for the nursery. I still have the ring" I see her one eyebrow raised "What ring?" "I found it on the mantle the night you were killed."

"Oh I remember it was Vivian Van Pelt. They dumped her in the river. Remember that ring is worth five or six grand easily." "You weren't gonna ask me to marry you?" "What are you insane you know that I have noncommittal issues and after my brother betrayed me I'm adding trust issues as well to the list."

"Wait your brother betrayed you that night" "Yeah when we were getting chased by police the police shot my leg. But my brother didn't decide to help me out so now I'm stuck in this doll. Which made me more flat than I was.

The only thing good was not having periods, but like once a day of each month. So Tiffany wants to enjoy this food I know I said I wouldn't married which coming from was a bit surprised but I need that special moment. When I realize I want her, he or maybe them I don't know but I do know it will probably be you."

I smiled happy that when we solved things we solved them by talking it out other than my parents which involved fighting." Yes, Dolly, let's enjoy our Swedish meatball then we tell each other what has been happening in our life for the last 10 years. Does that sound nice?" "Yeah." After that night we celebrated our reuniting for 10 years and telling each other how it was and what we were doing. After that night it was the best knowing she still treats me right than other people.

The reason that (Reader) is being noncommittal to marriage is because she does not care for it and also because she does not want to do extra stuff just to say she is Tiffany's wife. Also, she heard what Tiffany's family did and she started to question if they got married would they end up like them?

(1349 Words)

Male! Tiffany x Reader ChuckyWhere stories live. Discover now