Chapter 23 (Toji's POV)

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I slump down on my couch with a nice, cold beer in my hand. 

My body is sore, completely worn out. 

I hit the gym early this morning and worked myself into a sweaty mess because I knew I wouldn't have time to with my schedule today. And I was right. I clocked more than twelve hours on the site today.

With a groan, I stretch my arms and grab the TV remote. 

Now, it's time to relax.

My phone starts ringing. 

"Motherfucker," I curse. I consider ignoring it...but it keeps ringing. 

Pulling myself up from my well-earned respite, I walk to the counter and grab my phone. I raise my eyebrows as I stare at the screen.

It's Y/n's friend.


I answer the call and raise the phone to my ear. 

"Toji?" Her voice is panicked.

"Yeah?" I scratch my head.

"You need to come to Y/n's apartment right now," she says quickly, her voice shaking. "Her ex is back. He's...Oh my God, I'm so worried he's going to hurt her."

I forget all about the fatigue and soreness. 

"What did you just say?"

"He forced his way in and wouldn't leave," Elaine cries. "Please, please come over here."

I jog to my door, grabbing my truck keys off their hook. "You're still there?"

"Y/n kept telling me to leave, but I couldn't just--" her voice breaks off and I assume she's crying.

Jesus fucking Christ.

Blood is pounding in my ears.

I'm in my truck in a heartbeat, the phone still pressed to my ear, although all I can really hear are her sobs. 

My phone is clenched tightly in my left hand, my other hand on the wheel. I don't even know what speed I'm going. I don't look at the speedometer once. It seems unimportant.

If he lays a single hand on her, I'll kill him.

"Oh my God," Elaine whimpers into the phone. 

I didn't realize I said that out loud. 

I run a stop sign. Then a red light, earning a few honks. I couldn't care less.

Y/n's apartment complex comes into view and I gun it into the parking lot, not bothering to ease my truck into an actual spot. I hang up on Elaine and reach into my glove compartment. My fingers wrap around the grip of my Glock. I shove it into the back waistband of my gray sweats as I fling the door open and exit my truck. 

I stalk to the door to the complex, my head buzzing, and see Elaine standing there, holding the door open to me. 

"Please Toji, you have to--" She starts. I see dark mascara tracks under her eyes.

"Got it," I say gruffly, taking the stairs to Y/n's apartment two at a time. Elaine's footsteps are light behind mine as she jogs to keep pace.

"I left the door cracked a little," she pants. "I don't think anyone noticed."

I don't bother responding as we reach Y/n's floor. I stalk to it, turning back to Elaine when I reach it. 

"Stay out here," I tell her.

"I'm not--"

"I said, stay out here," I growl, getting up in her face a little. She stares up at me with those big doe eyes. "I wasn't asking."

"Okay," she nods, stepping back and wrapping her arms around her waist. 

And with that, I kick the fucking door open.

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