My comfort place

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"God Alex, I'm so sorry that happened to you, I hope you know how strong you are, to have gone through all that and be where you are right now and to have achieved what you have, she would be proud" Leah says pulling me into a hug, as she does I feel a sense of comfort, it's weird, I've known her in person for less than a day and she is already someone that I'm comfortable to talk to
"You're gonna make me cry," I say through tears but laughing to try and over them up

"Right I think we should call it a night" Leah says yawning and leaning back into the sofa
"A night? It's five in the bloody morning Leah" I reply laughing as I show her the time on my phone
"What time are you to be up tomorrow, well today"
"I'll probably head out at like three, Maddie doesn't know I'm coming, her shift ends at six and since I have a spare key to her house I thought I'd surprise her" I say smiling at the thought of seeing my best friend again
"Alright then I'll drop you off" she says getting up and offering me her hand to take
"You sure? I can always walk or book an Uber" I reply not wanting Leah to feel like she has to chaperone me around
"Yeah it's perfectly fine, are you gonna stay there for a few days?" She asks me as we both check everything is locked and turned off
"Yeah I'll probably stay at hers for two, three days and after that I'll book a hotel or something" I say shrugging my shoulders
"you can stay at mine if you'd like, saves you the hassle of paying for a hotel" she says with hopefulness in her eyes. How can I say no to that face?
"Gosh you really are a lifesaver, thank you so much" I say pulling her in for a hug, which obviously caught her off guard as it took her a few seconds to reciprocate
"It's no problem at all"
"Right well I think we should really go to bed now, goodnight Leah and thank you for everything, including letting me ramble to you" I say winking and giving her a smile, before waking towards my door
"No problem Alex, and if you ever need someone to ramble on to, just know, I'm a pretty good listener, goodnight" she says returning the wink, I can feel my cheeks heating up as I turn red, she walks into her room as I walk into mine and we both close our doors
I get all freshened up and lie in bed staring at the ceiling.
This is probably one of the most spontaneous things I've ever done.
I get lost in my thoughts for a whole, mostly thinking about my feeling towards Leah, are we just going to be friends forever, acquaintances even? I've never really thought about it until now, the feelings I get when I'm around Leah are like none I've ever experienced before, of course I've been with someone previous, but I just didn't get the same feelings I do for Leah now, which is quite scary to me, this is my first time properly meeting her and I'm already developed quite a big crush on her but it's not a crush that'll last a few weeks and when I see another gorgeous woman walk past I'll forget about her, it's a crush that I'm actually falling for because of her personality, yes Leah being extremely attractive adds to it, but she's overall an amazing person, I'd be the luckiest person on the planet to have a chance with her
After a while I finally find my self drifting off to sleep, with only one thing one my mind, well more like one person.

I wake up bright and early in the morning at 8, I'm definitely a morning person, the latest I'd sleep in is probably 10, I don't like getting up late and wasting my whole day.
I head to the bathroom to freshen up and once I'm out I get changed, since I'm seeing Maddie today I decided to dress up nice, I go for a cropped crew neck and a pair of grey, quite formal, pants
I go downstairs and decide to make breakfast since Leah has training in around an hour and it'll save her time, I make pancakes with berries, luckily Leah had all the ingredients, as i plate up the food I hear a door open then another open and close again, I'm assuming that Leah
I want for Leah to be done before eating because I'd like to eat with her
Finally, she comes downstairs dressed in her training kit
"Something smells amazing" she says walking towards the table
"I made breakfast, thought I'd save you some time" I reply smiling
"That's very considerate of you, thank you" she says genuinely before sitting down opposite me

We talk over eating breakfast and I learn some things about Leah and vice versa
"So you're telling me that you can't ride a bike!" I say in shock
"It's not that I can't I'm just scared, those things are basically death machines!" She says defensively and throwing her arms in the air
"One day I'm taking you on a bike ride and trust me you are going to love it" I say to her
"I highly doubt that" she mumbles

We have finished our food and Leah is about to leave for training
"Are you sure you'll be ok on your own? You can come with me? Or I can call in and ask for the day off?" She rambles while putting her shoes on
"Gosh Leah I'll be fine don't worry! I've got to go out shopping anyways, I promise it's ok" I say to her taking her hands in mine to calm her down, as I did that I could immediately feel my self heating up and getting all nervous, this is the first effect she has on me
I could she was taken back by the action and she immediately shoots her head up, but then squeezes my hand
"Ok as long as you're sure, I'll see you later Alex" she says before letting go of my hands and stepping outside
"See you later" I reply smiling

A bit after Leah had left I grabbed my phone and my purse and left to go shopping for a gift for Maddie, I booked and Uber since I haven't rented a car yet but I made sure you put sunglasses on and a flap cap so that no one would notice me, when I arrived at the mall I bought us matching pyjamas and I also bought yin and yang necklaces that connect for each of us to have, it may seem cheesy but I think it's cute, and good reminder that no matter how far apart we are she had a special place in my heart and I have a special place in hers
I booked and Uber back to Leah and relaxed on the sofa for a while
After what felt like years I finally heard the jingling of keys and the twisting of the lock immediately telling me that Leah was back
"I'm baaack" she says dragging out the 'a' whilst locking the door
"In the living room!" I reply, she walks in and I immediately notice how her hair is a bit ruffled up, in a cute way, she looks hot especially in her training kit, gosh she really is incredibly attractive
"Hello? Alex you there?" I'm snapped out of my thoughts by Leah waving her hand in front of my face
"Oh gosh yeah sorry" I laugh feeling my cheeks turning red
"It's fine don't worry, but what I was saying was that it's half one right now so we should probably leave in an hour and a half, is that ok?"
"Yeah that's perfectly fine, thank you so much" I say again showing my gratefulness for her
"It's no problem now go make sure you're all ready" she says to me sternly, hot.

"Alex! Let's go!" Leah shouts from the front door as she struggles to put her shoes on
"I'm here I'm here let's go!" I say running through the front door and waiting giddily at the passenger side for Leah to unlock the car, like a dog excited to go on a walk
We get in the car and I put in Maddie's address and we set off
A/n - Hope you enjoyed this one! I've got a new book out so please go check that out :)
Word count: 1456

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