Chapter 27: Meeting at the rocks

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Summery~ While you were supposed to be recovering you went exploring around Inazuma. This is where you come across Kazuha who agrees to help you train. So you go back today to continue...

I slowly open my eyes to check if anyone is in the room. When my search comes up empty, I sit up slowly from my bed. It's the few moments left before dawn. Quietly I sneak towards the food hall, however, I have to pass several other rooms before I make it there. I tip-toe to the end of the hallway, where all the food awaits me. I slowly open the door and I physically cringe when I hear the door creak. But then I realise that it wasn't my door that creaked, I turn around and Aether is stepping out of a room. He looks tired, but also like he has things to do. I freeze like a statue hoping not to be seen but he stands there staring at me.

"Y/N..?" he yawns. I quickly make a ton of hand gestures trying to tell him to keep quiet. Even though he is tired he understands and sneaks over to me.

"What are you doing here?" Aether whispers.

"Getting breakfast," I smile, "then sneaking out."

"Need some help?" Aether offers.

I nod my head excitedly.

We both sneak into the food hall and scavenge for a good breakfast. Aether ends up getting a bit too excited and starts cooking something. I was just planning on stealing some fruit, but I'm not going to give up free hot food. I sit by him and talk to him quietly about how strict the maidens are. I would offer my help, but I am not the best cook. We get so distracted in conversation that we returned to our original volume; it didn't help that we start laughing.

Aether finished the French toast and skewers; he placed them proud on a plate on the counter for us to pig out on. Paimon who was hovering over Aether the whole time waiting for the food, got the first bite. I reach to get one for myself, but I hear another door creak, in a matter of milliseconds I am hiding behind the counter. A shrine maiden walks in asking who he was talking to. Aether awkwardly says Paimon, and sneakily passes me some food behind the counter. The shrine maiden walks over and starts asking questions about what he is cooking. Aether gives Paimon a very distinct look, edging her to help me. Paimon understands eventually but makes an "Ohhh" sound when she does.

I nearly dead palmed so loudly that it would have given me away. Paimon slowly floats towards a back door and opens it wide enough for me to crawl out without being noticed. Aether tries to offer the Maiden the food. With my food in my mouth, I quickly slither out the door. I try and wait for a moment to give Aether a thumbs up, and I know the moment when I hear him say, "What's that?"

I stick my head back through the door, take my food out of my mouth, and mouth 'thankyou' while giving a thumbs up. We both smile, then I see the maiden turn back around. Before she sees me, I make a dash out of the shrine and down the steps.

The sun was much higher in the sky now. I take a slow walk while eating breakfast and make my way towards the beach.

Kazuha is already sitting there on the rock that I met him on yesterday.

"Sorry I am late," I wave hello.

"It's quite alright," he smiles, "I forgot to ask, do you have a weapon of choice? We should probably focus on using your elemental powers in correlation with your weapon. I'm assuming that you'll be joining us with the revolt?"


"I mainly used a bow, but that was before I got my... vision. Besides the fatui stole my bow so I don't have it anymore. Aether has given me some training with a sword though, but I don't have one on me..." I sigh sadly shoving the last bite of the skewer in my mouth.

"That's alright we can get a practice one," he smiles.

I stare at him blankly, "Huh?"

Kazuha points at a ronin, "We'll simply take his."


I was about to protest but he was already walking, so I had no choice but to follow him. My jaw drops as I see him fight. Unable to do anything without a weapon I stand in amazement as I see Kazuha so easily take him down. "A valiant fight," Kazuha says with his final attack finished. He takes the sword and tosses it to me.

Startled by the sudden need to catch I barely hear Kazuha say, "Shall we test your skills?"

After seeing the battle just now I was nervous to even hold a sword against Kazuha.

"You take first swing," Kazuha said calmly.

I swallow hard and calm my breathing and prepare my first move.

I might as well have gone swimming in the ocean because I was drenched in sweat. Laying on my back in the sand, heaving loudly, still griping onto the hilt of the sword, I manage to say, "Ready for round 73?"

Kazuha smiles and helps me up, "I think your performance today has been more than sufficient. You have greatly improved."

To that reply I could only smile, "Thank you for taking the time to help me."

"Its no problem at all," Kazuha says putting his sword away and wiping his face. It was quite the warm day in the sun and considering we didn't take many breaks we were both parched.

"Unfortunately, I have to return to Watastumi in two days, so tomorrow will be our last day of practice," he sighs apologetically.

"That's more than enough," I smile, "I have improved so much, that now, I am sure I will find something I could practice on my own."

"See you tomorrow," I wave goodbye and we go our separate ways.

I make it all the way back up the steps to the shrine before I realise that I am still clutching the training sword. I panic as I have no were to hide it, so I stick it behind a rock. No one is going to find it there, hee-hee.


I jump out of my skin when I hear someone scream behind me. The same shrine maiden stands a few meters away from me looking pissed. Petrified, I somehow find the energy to run. This quickly turned into a chase around the shrine.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" I scream helplessly trying to get away from the maiden. Somehow, she kept up with me as I made the 10th lap. One of the doors open and Aether steps out.

"Oh! My saviour!" I scream with relief. Quickly I hide behind him and the maiden stops. She looks defeated before she storms off.

So exhausted I drape myself on Aether. He slowly turns around smiling, "What have you been doing? You look exhausted."

"I had a crazy number of sword training fights with Kazuha by the beach. It was even worse because I had to use anemo. Eventually I got the hang of it, but the first lot of matches was just me getting pummelled," I grumble.

My stomach growls so loudly because I haven't eaten since this morning. My mouth waters at the image of food.

"Lets go get you some dinner," Aether offers as he piggy backs me to the food hall. 

Word count: 1317

This past few and next few chapters aren't as interesting, they are supposed to be fun and enjoyable to read seeing, the interactions with the characters. Hope they aren't too boring :))

 Thankyou for reading :))

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