Chapter 18: My cell

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Summery~ You were transported to Inazuma by Childe and a group of Fatui. There you met Scaramouche who took you to the delusion factory.

I pace back and forth in my cell. After Scaramouche led me to the delusion factory, he took me into a separate area that I haven't seen before. The cage he has me in has 3 stone walls preventing escape, no windows to let in a breeze, solid concrete floor that gets cold, a wooden bed that's uncomfortable to sleep on, and cell door -that includes the 4th wall- which is comprised of bars overlooking an empty area in the middle of the building with a pole at its centre.

It has been a day since my arrival here, I have only received one meal, probably some fruit of a tree nearby. I sit down on my bed and look at my hands. The bruises and rope burn still sting my wrists, but the cold metal of my cuffs keeps it semi-cool. Not to mention the fact that the cuffs are connected to a chain attached to the floor. The rest of my body's stamina is slowly returning, but I still feel flimsy. I have no idea what time of day it is. I rest my head in my hands and grown loudly. I hope Aether can find me soon.

Then I soon realise, my training with Aether. I sigh and stand up. I really don't want to do it, but I should. Plus its about the only thing I can do in a cell.

After my morning workout comprising of push ups, sit ups, squats and a 30 minute jog – or what I assume to be 30 minutes – I flop on the wooden bed and try to breathe deeply.

"What to do. What to do," I talk to myself. I wonder how long I am going to have to wait in this cell. What is Scaramouche going to do to me when he finally takes me out of here.

"Well before that happens... I have to finish my morning routine... sword practice, without a sword... yay..." I mumble, "I don't even have my bow... what happened to it?"

I guess I could punch the wall or something, for martial art practice?? Close range combat doesn't really work in genshin, especially hand to hand. Which means I'll have to find a 'sword'.

I look at the wooden planks of my bed. Perfect.

I spend the next 20 minutes trying to take a plank of wood without damaging it to much. To my surprise I was able to get it off. With only splitting it down the middle. Oops. I take one half and begin practicing blocks and counter attacks against the air. Mainly practicing the basic movements.

Soon I got board and found a rock in the corner of the room. I used it to draw target and threw the rock at it for what felt like hours. Finally, a guard came by. I stood up fast and ran to the bars, "When's mealtime?"

The guard didn't even stop to look at me. Instead picked up the pace and walked faster away from me.

"Rude," I mutter.

Several hours later Scaramouche and another agent finally turn up at the door off my cell. "Get up," he orders.

"What's happening?" I ask but no answer. The agent walks inside and unchains me from the floor, taking the other end and leading me outside the cell towards the post in the centre of the room.

The end of the chain is attached to the top of the pole. Four cryo fatui agents emerge and surround me. I pull on the chain but it's not coming lose. "What's happening?" I repeat, slightly sounding distressed. Scaramouche grins, "Why the first experiment of course.              Begin."

Word count: 640

Sorry for the short update. 

Thankyou for reading:))

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