13 | Shattered Trust

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Dominic runs toward me, and I instinctively step back, disbelief etched on my face. "Gianna, wait," he pleads, but I cut him off.

"Just when I was starting to actually like you, you pull something like this."

Dominic's eyes search mine urgently as he says, "Tesero, it's not what you think," his hands reaching out in a desperate attempt to explain.

"That's what they all say, but it always is." My gaze shifts to Abigail. She watches us with an amused yet disdainful smile.

"And you. I thought you were my friend. I always knew you were a bitch. I should've trusted my gut about you." She shrugs, maintaining the smile, unfazed.

"Can you please listen to me?" Dominic asks, frustration evident in his voice.

I glance at him, noting concern in his eyes, though I can't fathom why, considering he is the one who was just kissing her.

"No, and screw this fake ass engagement. You know what, Dominic? I'll be fine. It's not like what we had was real. I almost let myself believe you actually liked me. At least I finally know the truth," I tell him as I toss the ring to the floor.

Turning to leave, I catch sight of Dominic's father glaring at him angrily.


I attempt to chase after her but stop when my father's voice cuts through.

"Dominic. Did I hear that correctly? The engagement was faked?" His tone rises, anger simmering.

"Can we discuss this later?" I ask him as I grab my car keys.

"No, we certainly will not. Leave my house now, Dominic. And don't even think for a second I'm still letting you run my business," he states, firmly.

"Dad, just let me explain when I return," I plead.

The room's tension heightens as my father's voice escalates, "Explain what? You lied to me, Dominic. You've disrespected our family and the legacy of this business."

My effort to salvage the situation falls on deaf ears. "Leave, Dominic. Now!" He demands, his authority piercing through the emotional turmoil.

As I turn to leave, I catch the smiles on Nathaniel and Abigail's faces, intensifying my anger. She kisses him on the cheek before waving at me.

"Damn it!" I yell, realizing I've lost her.

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"Where's your boyfriend?" my mom asks as I enter my apartment.

"Um, we broke up," I share as I make my way toward my bedroom.

"Gia, what happened?" Her concern evident as she walks closer to me.

"It's complicated, manman. Can we talk about this later? I'm going out," I tell her before closing my bedroom door.

In need of a friend, I call Solange, who suggests meeting at a restaurant I've been too busy to visit.

An hour later, I arrive. "Hey, girl," Solange greets, hugging me before we sit down. The restaurant, themed in yellow, my favorite color, exudes a Caribbean vibe.

"Are you okay?" she asks as she places her bag on the table.

"No. A lot's happened today," I respond, and she nods in understanding.

"You know I'm here if you want to talk about it," Solange assures me.

I hesitate to tell her, considering the last time I trusted someone it didn't go well, but Solange is different from Abigail.

"Like I said, you don't have to," she gently reminds me, and I nod.

Shifting the conversation, I ask, "What have you been up to lately?"

"I've been working all day, trying to find a way to pay for my college debts. I went to school to help my family, but now I can't find a job, and I'm stuck with all these bills."

"Maybe we should start a small business together," I suggest, injecting a bit of humor.

"Maybe we should," she says, laughter filling the air, prompting a smile from me and offering a brief respite from the events that unfolded just a couple of hours ago.

"Gia?" A familiar voice calls out, and I turn to find Noah approaching, accompanied by a couple of our classmates.

"Hey, Noah!" I greet him, a mixture of surprise and delight in my expression as I welcome their company.

"I'm sorry but we're not sure if we're going to be able to find a table for you guys right now," a waiter explains as he approaches them, a hint of disappointment visible on their faces.

"That's okay. You guys can join us, right?" I turn to ask Solange, and she nods.

"Thanks, Gianna," my classmates say as they join our table.

Glancing at the decorations, I reminisce about the old days back home, when life was simpler.

"What are you guys doing around here?" I ask, once they're all sat.

"We just came from a nearby movie theater. On our way back, Anna spotted this place and insisted we come here with her," Noah shares with a smile.

"Oh, okay." The food arrives surprisingly fast, and as we enjoy our meal, the night fills with laughter and enjoyment, making me feel blessed despite everything.

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