that one unforgettable night

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Hey! I'm going to be focused on two books, my kai x reader and this one so I might not always update both, so sorry about that. But I will try my best. Byeee!

Kais pov

It was a sleepless night, and my thoughts were driving me crazy. So, I decided to go to Jay's room, hoping he was awake.

 Jay was more than just my best friend; he was the one I had a crush on for a year now. But I didn't dare to confess my feelings because I was afraid of losing our friendship. As I knocked on the door, I waited for a few seconds, hoping he would answer. Finally, Jay opened the door, rubbing his eyes and looking a bit sleepy. 

"Hey, what's up?" he asked in a groggy voice. "Hey, I can't sleep, and I thought you might be up. Can I sleep with you?" I asked, hoping he would agree. As I entered his room, I noticed it was still dark, and he must have just woken up. 

I went to his bed, and he followed, lying next to me. Our eyes met, and we just stared at each other for a while, enjoying the comfortable silence. But I couldn't hold it in any longer.

 "Jay, I like you a lot. I have liked you for a long time, but I didn't want to ruin our friendship, so I never told you. But I think I'm in love with you," I confessed, feeling the weight of my words. 

Jay looked at me, stunned, but then he smirked. "What? I didn't quite hear you the first time could you say it again?" he said, teasing me. Before I could react, Jay leaned in and pressed his lips onto mine, catching me by surprise. At first, I was shocked, but then I kissed him back, feeling his arms wrap around me. He pulled away to catch his breath, and I looked at him, still in disbelief. "Do you understand now?" he asked, smirking. I couldn't help but smirk back. "I don't know. Why don't you try again?" I said, feeling more confident now. 

Jay rolled his eyes and chuckled. "I love you," he said, looking at me with affection. "I love you too, sunshine," I replied, feeling a genuine smile spread across my face.

We kissed again, and this time, it was longer and more passionate. I pulled away for a moment, catching my breath, but then I leaned in for another kiss. 

The room was filled with the sound of our kisses and the beating of our hearts. It was as if time stood still, and the only thing that mattered was the two of us.

.As we lay there, wrapped in each other's arms, I knew that this was the start of something new and beautiful. We had finally taken that leap of faith, and it felt like we were on top of the world. We whispered sweet nothings to each other and laughed at our inside jokes, feeling the warmth of our bodies against each other. 

The morning came all too soon, and we reluctantly got up, knowing that our time together was limited. But as we looked into each other's eyes, we knew that this was just the beginning of a beautiful love story. 

We held each other's hand, not wanting to let go, but knowing that we had to. As I walked away from Jay's room, I felt a sense of contentment and happiness that I had never felt before. It was as if a weight had been lifted off my shoulders, and I was finally free to be myself. I knew that there would be challenges ahead, but I also knew that as long as we had each other, we could overcome anything.

 As days passed, Jay and I spent more time together, and our bond grew stronger. We went on walks, watched movies, cooked meals together, and shared our deepest fears and desires. We learned more about each other and fell in love more every day. Our love was not just a crush, but a deep and meaningful connection that made us feel complete.

We knew that our relationship was not going to be easy and that there would be obstacles along the way. But we promised each other that we would face them together, with honesty, trust, and open communication. We were committed to making our relationship work, no matter what.


(time skip to older Kai looking  back on this memory basically)

Years passed, and Jay and I continued to love and cherish each other. We traveled the world, experienced new cultures, and created unforgettable memories. We supported each other in our career paths, celebrated our achievements, and comforted each other in our failures.As we grew old together, we knew that our love was eternal. We had been through ups and downs, but our bond had only strengthened with time. We were grateful for each other's presence in our lives and knew that we had found our soulmate in each other.

Looking back at that sleepless night, I realized that it was the start of a beautiful journey. It was the night I had taken a leap of faith and confessed my love to Jay. It was the night that changed my life forever. And I was grateful for it.


So it was  a short one, but I think it was good, what about you? Oh what am I doing nobody's reading this. Oh well already published it! Till next time, byeee!

Words: 910

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