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Sausage and Shelby need therapy

Sausage and Shelby: *explain their experiences being corrupted*
Pix: ... You guys need therapy.
Great Witch Shelby: Sounds expensive.
Sausage of Sanctuary: Sounds cringe.

Those two are up to something
Audio from Transformers: Prime

Count fWhip of the Grimlands: *to Sausage* We made a deal. Just act completely normal.
Wizard Gem: fWhip, Sausage, do either of you know where the others have gone?
Count fWhip of the Grimlands: Why no sir, we do not know!
Lord Sausage: fWhip is correct! We do not know!
Count fWhip of the Grimlands: Why would we know?
Wizard Gem: Hm. Wait! You two are up to something!

The prophecy

Conal: Nothing's going to stop me now!
Aeor: Wait, there was a prophecy.
Conal: Oh, now there's a prophecy.
Book of prophecies: past and future: *exists*
Conal: Oh wow, that was a great, inspiring legend.

Lizzie's adjectives

Lizzie: What are your adjectives?
Joel: ... You mean my pronouns?
Lizzie: No, I know what your pronouns are! What are your adjectives?
Joel: ... I dunno. What are yours?
Lizzie: Noisy and chaotic!
Joel: I've never had something go from making no sense to making complete sense so quickly.

fWhip's insane

Wizard Gem: You're insane!
Count fWhip of the Grimlands: Sure I am, what's your point?

Scott's game

Jimmy: What's up with you?
Scott: What do you mean?
Jimmy: You've been nice and helpful and considerate all day. What's your game?

What the Wither Rose Alliance is missing

Gem: We're kind of missing something, guys.
Pearl: Cohesion?
fWhip: Teamwork?
Sausage: A general sense of what we're doing?
Gem: And Joey is not here.
fWhip: Oh, and that, yeah.

Can Sausage keep a secret?

Great Witch Shelby: Can you keep a secret?
Sausage of Sanctuary: Well, I'm good until I meet the next person.

Five little monkeys parody

Codboy Jimmy: Five little monkeys jumping on the bed. One fell off and...
Ocean Queen Lizzie: Was diagnosed with mesothelioma.
Codboy Jimmy: Mama called the doctor and the doctor said...
King Joel: You might be entitled to financial compensation if he or a loved one dies.

Scott's type

Scott: 'Cause you're pretty and you're smart, and you're ignoring me, so you're obviously my type.
Jimmy: *distracted* I'm sorry- what were you saying?
Scott: Perfect.

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