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Lizzie's meeting

Lizzie: Thank you for agreeing to meet with me today.
Joel: I didn't. You just showed up and started talking. 

Shouting at the clouds

Mayor Lizzie: Joel! The clouds are shouting at me again! What do I do?!
God Joel: I don't know, yell back?
Mayor Lizzie: Oh, okay. *screams*
Thunder: *booms*

The Wither Rose Alliance and socks

Pearl: People who sleep without socks on worry me.
Joey: People who sleep with socks are not to be trusted! 
fWhip: People who sleep are weird. 
Sausage: I was a sock once. 
Gem: Why are you guys in my closet? 

Halloween costumes

Lord Sausage: Why did you two dress up as each other for Halloween?
Codboy Jimmy: Lizzie told me to pick the scariest costume I could think of.
Ocean Queen Lizzie: Jimmy told me to wear the stupidest outfit ever. 


Jimmy: I am the proud owner of an IQ of five and a half. 
Joel: Not for long.
Jimmy: Please, it's all I have. 


Count fWhip of Gobland: Hey, Sausage, what do you want to eat?
Evil Sausage: The souls of the innocent!
Sausage of Sanctuary: A bagel.
Evil Sausage: No!
Sausage of Sanctuary: Two bagels. 

No bagel

Count fWhip of Gobland: Hey, what do you want to eat? 
Evil Sausage: The souls of the innocent!
Shelby: Yeah, what he said. 

Not enough chairs

Gem: There are ten people and seven chairs. What do you do?
Katherine: Have everyone stand?
Pix: Bring three more chairs?
Lizzie: The important ones can sit. 
Joey: Kill three. 

Muggy day

Lizzie: It's really muggy outside today.
Joel: If I go outside and all the emperor's mugs are out on the lawn outside the house, I'm going to kill you. 

Why Sausage never worries

Sausage: I'll worry about that bridge when I come to it.
Gem: I think you should worry about it before then. 
Sausage: If I worried about a fraction of the stuff I should be worried about, I would never get anything done!

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