The God with scales

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Benny found himself trapped in a dark dungeon made of strong black rocks. The only light in the room came from the flickering flames that illuminated the space. Looking around, he noticed a bed with red blankets and a dirty pillow, where Ch-Lola lay sleeping. The rocky ground was hard and uncomfortable, making Benny long for the comforts of his own home. The room was enclosed in iron bars, casting ominous shadows. Suddenly, something shiny caught his eye, and Benny's heart skipped a beat. He stood up, running his fingers through his strawberry blonde hair, and tilted his head, catching a glint of silver in his blue eyes. He heard a strange noise, like an animal about to throw up rainbows, breathing fast. Curiosity got the better of him, and he cautiously moved towards the noise. As he approached, he saw a magnificent creature with feathers that shone like silver. Chains covered the creature's body as if it was wrapped up in a blanket. The creature appeared to be in great pain, and Benny could sense its distress. He reached out his hand, hoping to help the creature. The creature lifted its head, gently, and the creature's glowing purple eyes met his, creating a moment of unspoken understanding between them. "It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you," Benny spoke softly, trying to calm the creature down. As the creature raised its head more like a snake, tilting it to one side, its eyes were losing their glow, and it became calmer. However, suddenly, the creature lunged at Benny, making a high-pitched clicking sound. Benny, taken aback, jumped but stood his ground. Then the creature lunged at the bars trying to break free all benny could do was watch as it bites at the bars making clicking noises. Ch-Lola tossed and turned in frustration as the loud noise continued to fill the room. Suddenly, the creature let out a blood-curdling scream and collapsed onto the ground, breathing heavily. Benny started shivering uncontrollably, even though the room was sweltering. To his horror, he watched as the creature's bones began to shift and shrink, emitting spine-chilling screeches that echoed throughout the dungeon. Benny couldn't bear to watch and dove underneath the bed, covering his eyes in fear. But then, he heard the sound of a human breath and cautiously peered out from under the bed, only to find that the creature had vanished, and in its place  Will lying there. His body was covered with feathers but it was him. Benny grew a big smile and ran towards his friend happy to see him again, he gave him a huge hug. Will woke up feeling tears drip down his face, "Ben?" asked Will softly as he looked up at Benny.  He slowly pats Benny's back awkwardly, then Benny sits down next to Will giving out a big sigh as Ch-lola gets off the bed with messy fur.  "Hey let's play a game!" said Benny as he hopped up in the air. Will nodded his head, picking up some pebbles feeling the ruff texture of it, he went to give some to Will.  Benny sat down next to Will. "This game is about throwing rocks  over the bed." Will eagerly nodded, and with fierce determination in their eyes, the two began to hurl the rocks with all their might. Some rocks hit the hard floor with a loud thud, while others soared gracefully on the bed. The competition was intense, and neither Benny nor Will was willing to back down. Will threw a rock over the bed peacefully,  Will and Benny jumped up cheering.  Ch-Lola rolled her eyes and then started to clean herself, Benny sat there with tears streaming down his face, his heart aching with guilt and regret. He looked at Will, wanting so badly to tell him something, but the weight of his confession was heavy on his shoulders. As Will sat down, looking in pain, Benny closed his eyes and finally mustered the courage to speak. "Will, what Chief Ox said about me was right," he said, his voice shaking with emotion. Will looked at Benny with a confused and concerned face, and Benny knew he had to reveal the truth. "I slayed my first friend...Her name was Little Lamb," he continued, his voice breaking. "She took me on a boat, wanting so badly to leave the village, but there were mermaids, and I-had one of my outbreaks and-" Benny couldn't finish his sentence, the weight of his actions too much to bear. Will looked at him with a mixture of sadness and compassion, then hugged Benny tightly, trying to comfort him as he made a sound with his chains. They had no clue how many days had passed after that Benny didn't want to talk and Will tried to make his friend happy again but, nothing seemed to work as they sat in the jail cell alone feeling the heat of the place. One day will woke up to Benny's sleepy head on his shoulder and Ch-lola roaring at the cell door. "Hey beast, what are you doing?" asked Will as two glowing yellow eyes appeared from the darkness. He jumped and hugged Benny tight ch-lola kept meowing as a dragon human wearing armor came out of the shadows then opened the door looking tired of the cat. "UGH! Will that snack just SHUT UP!?! yelled the dragon kinght, they both looked at Ch-lola which made her proud of herself. "You're setting us free, if not would you please don't waste our time?" asked Will as he acted all cool and chill but, really he was terrified of Ch-Lola the cat. "OH HECK NO! I know who you are Curse boy and I know you're nothing without the sword and that pirate wolf." replied the Dargon kingth as he entered the jail cell and pulled Benny away from Will. "HEY! Bring him back!!" yelled Will as he stood up trying to break through his chains and Ch-lola attacked the dragon knight's feet. She laughed dragging Benny out of the jail cell leaving Will alone once again with his greatest fear of cats.Benny found himself in a majestic throne room that exuded power and grandeur. The walls were crafted from the strongest of metals, which gleamed in the flickering light of the numerous torches that lined the room. The color scheme was dominated by deep and rich shades of red, which seemed to emanate a sense of passion and intensity throughout the space. The floor was covered in a plush, dark red carpet that felt soft and luxurious underfoot. Flames danced and flickered from every corner, casting long shadows on the walls and adding to drama and spectacle. At the center of the room stood an enormous throne made entirely out of gold, its intricate details and carvings with a dragon human sitting upon it, looking down upon him. The dragon man had half-loc half-wave hair that was on one side. He had bright yellow eyes, he was wearing lots of gold but, had no shirt on, earrings, and a golden choker on his neck that was more fashionable than the real chain around Will's neck.  The dragon man also had great red horns and wings that made him look cool and scary at the same time. "What means you here creature? Wait what are you?" asked the dragon man as Benny looked around the throne room. "Who are you?" asked Benny as the dragon man rose with anger as his shadow looked like a giant dragon rising it's wings. "WHO AM I?! WHO AM I?! I'm Drathal the dragon king AND I SHALL BE THE ONE WHO ASKS the questions." snapped the dragon man as he calmed himself down and then sat back down on his throne. Benny stood there watching the dragon king, "I'm Benny, nice to meet you. Do you-" Drathal interrupts him by roaring at him. "NOW WHAT ARE YOU!?!" yelled drathal as Benny made a funny popping sound from his mouth.  "I'm a Human and you're a lizard."  replied Benny while drathal roared at him. "GREAT, you little punk. Now then what are you good at?" spoke drathal as Benny looked around. "Well, I'm a craftsman and blacksmith but, right now I'm looking for a cure so I'm a bit of business. " answered Benny as he blushed up talking about his work.  Drathal smiled creepily and said "Good. I want you now." Benny froze with fear. "Send him to the tower!"  dragon knights then pulled Benny away from the area.  Benny couldn't believe it when he was forced up the tower. Despite its ominous exterior, the interior was surprisingly cozy and well-equipped. The floor was littered with various bronze items - swords, axes, and shields - all neatly arranged against the walls. In the center of the room stood a sturdy forge, its fiery glow casting a warm light across the room. Adjacent to the forge, he noticed a set of bookshelves, lined with tomes on everything from blacksmithing to magic. In the corner was a crafting table fully stocked with materials and tools. Benny couldn't wait to get started on working on a cure and a plan to escape this dragon island. As he wandered through the cluttered workshop, his eyes were drawn to a messy pile of bronze items. Upon closer inspection, he spotted a stack of iron nearby. With a sense of determination, he reached for a sturdy hammer and a mysterious magical item. He set to work immediately, expertly wielding the hammer and using the forge to heat and shape the iron into a formidable weapon. As he worked, he infused the blade with his personal touch, carving a delicate feather design into the metal and meticulously etching his family crest on both sides of the hilt, along with the image of a cat. When he finally stepped back to admire his handiwork, he was pleased to see that the final result was a true masterpiece the Axe that gleamed in the light and was imbued with beauty and strength. Something else caught his eye more bronze items to use and a glass green ball in the shape of an eye on top of the bookself. In an obsidian hallway of the castle, a little bronze creature walks its four feet and marches towards the direction of the dungeon it shined green in the light. It swayed its head around making a hissing sound with a sad face and adorable eyes.  It walked around looking cute until it drummed into the dragon knight who was guiding Will. It looked up making a little hiss,  the dragon knight looked down at it. "Aww so, cute!" he said as he knees down patting the creature. It flashed yellow making a louder hiss then BOOM! it explored the place breaking everything around it.  Ch-lola ran out of the broken jail cell meowing with joy then looked back at Will still in chains, she took a long sigh picked up the key from the ground, and gave it to Will. As Will poked his head out making sure it was all clear. "What the what?" muttered Will as he stepped out noticing the floor was a pit and the little creature was gone. Still injured he decided to have a walk around the hallway with Ch-Lola guiding him, he stopped feeling a pull on his arm he turned his head in excitement. "Benny!?" he asked with a smile. In the dim light of the touches, he saw meliodas with his finger close to his lips. "No, do I look like a pink-haired hoo-man?" asked Meliodas as he led against the wall. "It's human, not huu-man and how did you get here?"  replied Will with a tone as he went to hide behind the wall next to Meliodas.  "Well, I know ya, and you're not the only one with different kinds of friends."  meliodas whispered as he moved quickly, this time he looked like a pirate captain with a cool fancy black coat but, he didn't have a wooden leg, a hook or an eye patch. "Nice feather hat." complimented Will as he followed behind Meliodas, ch-Lola stopped and turned the other way leading them toward the tower. The air was thick with tension as the dragon king's furious roar echoed through the tower. Will's hand instinctively went to his sword, but it was nowhere to be found. Frustration and anger boiled inside him as he muttered ancient Greek curses under his breath. Meliodas, on the other hand, quickly drew his knives, flipping them effortlessly in mid-air. The sound of a deafening cry from Benny sent them both racing up the stairs, guided only by the dim light of the flickering torches. As they burst into the tower room, the dragon king loomed before them, ready to strike. But Will and Meliodas were too quick for him, dodging his attacks with lightning-fast reflexes. Benny's wide eyes darted back and forth as he watched the intense battle unfold. Suddenly, there was a loud banging on the door, and Will spun around, breathing heavily. Meliodas looked at him with a smirk, "Now what?" he asked. Benny reached out to Will, "Are you okay?" he asked, concern etched on his face. Without a word, Will burst through the door, leaping over Drathal with the agility of a panther. Meliodas grabbed Benny's hand and together they leaped out of the window, screaming with excitement as they plummeted towards the ground. Just when it seemed like they were doomed, Will appeared in a flash, his sword glowing with purple light. They landed safely, and Benny let out a sigh of relief, his heart racing. "Let's leave these lizards!" Meliodas shouted, and they ran off into the night, with Ch-Lola perched on his shoulder, meowing in agreement. A pirate ship pure white like snow almost like a ghost, they walked aboard tired and out of breath. Piglins started running towards meliodas cheering with smiles on their faces, meliodas sat down with a smile, and in Benny's eyes, he saw meliodas as a true pirate captain.  He felt Will patting him on the back laughing like a crazy person, "Oh Holy Sun goddess! I just made enemies with the dragon king himself! That's a new record!" laughed Will as Meilodas laughed along leaving Ch-lola and Benny not happy about that at all.  "How many creatures you made enemies so easily? I'll never know." laughed meliodas as his tail wagged, and they both laughed harder, ch-Lola jumped off of meliodas and sat next to Benny rolling her eyes.  One of the piglins cleared their throat putting the laughter to a stop and asked calmly "Where to now, captain?"  everything went silent as the white sails blew in the wind. Meliodas stared at Benny making him feel uncomfortable, "Why me? Y-your the captain. Should you lead the way?" asked Benny as he stuttered not still used to all the attention given to him. "No, it's your quest. Didn't you say you would put yourself in harm's way to find the cure you'll be seeking?" asked meliodas as Benny blushed and looked down. "But, I'm no hero or leader." replied Benny as he nervously looked at them, Will sighed for a long while.  "We didn't say you have to be one dude. Now you're just having yourself the spotlight." muttered Will with a sassy tone as Benny looked at him feeling more upset thinking Will sees him as a bratty pirdeful child but, he didn't want to stand up for himself in front of a whole crew.  "So, Tell us, or we'll be traveling around like idiots without a direction!" snapped Will as he rose with wraith in his eyes. In a blink of an eye, meliodas pushed Will onto the hard wooden floor with his foot on Will's head.  "Hey we're all tired Let us rest and MAYBE Benny will guide us."  snapped meliodas as he lifted his foot off of Will and walked away with his coat blowing in the wind.  After a pretty yummy meal made by meliodas, Benny and Ch-lola went to their room. As they entered the room, Benny noticed that there wasn't much in there except for a single bed with white sheets that seemed to be neatly made, a wooden table placed against the wall, a chest, and a lantern placed on the table. The chest looked old and rusty, with some markings on it that seemed to be of ancient origin. The lantern seemed to be the only source of light in the room, casting a warm glow that illuminated the entire area. Despite the simplicity of the surroundings, the room had a calm and peaceful atmosphere that made him feel relaxed and at ease. Benny was lying on his bed, his hand on his head, and his face covered as he stared at the ceiling. He was trying hard not to think about home, but his thoughts kept wandering back there. Ch-Lola sat next to him, clearing her throat from time to time. Benny groaned and turned to his side, feeling restless and unable to sleep. Suddenly, there was a loud knock at the door. He wanted to ignore it, but the knocking became too persistent. He got up and opened the door to find Will standing there, looking nervous and worried. "Benny, I'm sorry about earlier. I-, UGH I don't know what to say! Just please forgive me," Will said in a trembling voice. Benny listened to him with mixed feelings. He was still upset with Will for leaving him for a sword not once but twice. "What is it with that bloody sword of yours?" asked Benny, his tone laced with irritation as he rose from the bed. Will fell silent, unable to answer. "I don't know, ok. There's something about it, ever since I stole it I feel something and I kinda have this feeling with-" Will stopped himself by biting his tongue very hard.  Benny cracked the door open and looked at a speechless Will. He gave him a warm smile and said, "Hey, do you want to play a game?" Will looked up at him, his heart beating faster, and entered the room." So this game is called Shadow Puppets!" said Benny as he sat open the bed, Will sat down next to Benny and watched him closely as he began to move his hands in a series of intricate gestures. Will looked on in confusion, tilting his head to one side. "So we make hand signals?" he asked, trying to understand what Benny was doing. Benny shook his head, a smile playing on his lips. "No, no silly, look over there!" he exclaimed, pointing to the wall. Will followed his friend's gaze and saw a shadow of a bird reflecting on the wall. Benny's hands continued to move, mimicking the bird's movements in the shadow. Will watched in amazement, realizing that his friend was creating a shadow puppet show for him. They laughed together getting closer as friends once again.  "EVERYONE ON DECK! COME ON YOU SCALLYWAGS!" yelled meliodas as Benny just got done eating the morning's breakfast with Will and Ch-lola, it was homemade blueberry pancakes with butter on top made by meliodas himself.  "He's really taking that pirate role seriously."  muttered Will as he took a bit out of his pancake like it was a sandwich.  "Does he mean us?" asked Benny as he looked away with the breeze moving his hair. "Nah, he's just  kidding around with the pigs."  Will continued eating since he and Benny hadn't eaten food since the tavern and also since the last night.  "He sounds a little rude with the pig people." spoke Benny as Will stuffs his face with food. "Of course! He has to be tuff around them or they would just walk over him. Which sounds like a cotton head I know." replied Will as he talked with his mouth full.  "Will, it's rude to talk with your mouth full. It's just gross."  muttered Benny as Ch-lola meows at him while eating fish. "Just eat your food, cotton head." Will stopped eating and picked up a glass of water, "My mom says to eat slowly so I won't be hungry later." replied Benny as Will drank the water and then placed it down on the table. Benny held his head with his hand watching Will wipe his face with a napkin, then jumped at the slight at Ch-lola. She hissed at him with a fluff of her long fur standing up and making him more scared. Will screamed and fell backward in his chair falling upon the wooden floor, benny chuckled with his cheeks red. Once they got on deck all the piglins were doing their jobs and meliodas was leading down upon a table looking at a map.  Will asks how he is doing but, meliodas just keeps on muttering to himself so, Will pulls on Meilodas's tail. "OUCH!!" screamed meliodas as his hat almost fell off his head. "Let, me guess you need a cotton brain to know where you're going mutt?" asked Will with a sassy tone as his hair blew in the breeze. "SHUT UP! THAT FREAKING HURT!!" shouted Meilodas as he holds his tail while  Will quickly took a step back from Meilodas, feeling a bit startled. Meilodas was in a playful mood and was trying to catch Will by surprise. Will couldn't help but laugh as he flew around Meilodas, teasing him and making silly faces. Meilodas was frustrated, but Will was too quick for him! He kept evading Meilodas' attempts to catch him, making the situation all the more fun. Benny observed similarities between Will and Meliodas despite their race, skills, and personality differences. He also noticed that both of them had experienced a difficult past and both had some kind of spark they showed easily like a match lighting a flame. All of a sudden, the wind begins to roar through the sails. Meilodas looks up at the sky, which is starting to get smokey, and out of the clouds, a giant dragon appears. Benny freezes, remembering he lifted his axe in his room. The dragon flies around the ship, gliding around them like a shark, barely visible in the dark clouds. The sound of piglins squealing as they pull out their golden swords fills the air. Will reaches out his sword, but Benny stops him with a shine in his eyes.  The dragon lands on the ship, turning into its dragon-human form, which is beautiful. She has orange and blue hair, freckles, and a black armor-like dress. Her red snake-like eyes scan the group as she raises her wings. "It's her, it's Horzanfire," whispers one of the piglins while the wind rushes through them.  As she raises down her wings, Will takes out his sword, putting the blade at her throat. "Hello, Children," she says with a smirk that gives Benny chills. She puts her hand on the blade, trying to move it away from her, looking like it's painful. "We don't wanna fight you, Mrs.," speaks Benny as he stands behind Will, focusing on her.  By God's name, what is that?!" snaps Horizonfire with a laugh that makes Will push her away from Benny. Ch-lola hisses with her back arched, standing next to Meilodas with a moody glare. "I'm a hu-" Benny starts, but Meilodas interrupts him by whistling in pure boredom. "Leave him out of this. Your quarrel is with me."  Will's eyes are sharp, and his right-hand gets darker, more like a pattern of black vines upon his hand. She backs away with a grim smile, her hands rising along with her dragon-like wings. "Tell me, creature, why do you follow them? Is it because you're using them, or do you believe in their lies?" she looks into Benny's eyes, seeing the sea reflect into them. Before he can answer her question, she knows it.  "Well, I guess we are both after revenge. Join me, and we can stop their false righteousness before they slay more creatures," she steps backward toward the edge of the ship, and Benny looks down, gripping his teeth. Will looks at him in shock, groping his sword upon the wet deck floor. "Benny, is that true? Do you feel that way about me? You honestly think I hurt your dad on purpose?" Benny stays silent, feeling Will touch his shoulder, trying to get him to look at him. He looks at Ch-Lola, who is sitting there, wet from the seawater that started to crash upon the ship. "No, I don't," replies Benny as he looks up at Will and then at HorizanFire. Looking at her directly into her eyes, he raises his voice as the water races down his hair. "I love my friends, and if you think you need the help of a human, then you're stupid because my kind is wrathful like flames but weak as a glass. YOU WILL NOT GAIN MY HELP, EVEN IF YOU DRAG ME DOWN INTO THE DEEPEST OCEAN!" Benny's eyes flash with a glow of white. She looks shocked and gives a bitter smile, then falls off the ship with her hair flowing through the stormy wind. The piglins start to panic, running around the ship, screaming. Meilodas runs towards the wheel with a big smile, then lets out a howl that sounds long and mournful, echoing the ship. The scared pigs stop and look at him, wanting some hope. "You bacon heads! She is attacking, but we will not back down, even if she's a bloody dragon. Now then, let us go into battle!" yells Meilodas as everyone goes to their places. Horizonfire rises from the ocean in dragon form, making the waves hit harder. Will grabs his sword off the ground and starts flapping his wings, making Ch-Lola bat at them with her claws. The wind blows through them, getting harsher.As Benny shivered in the cold wind, he cautioned Will to be careful. "We need to be careful, Will, or we won't be able to play games anymore," he said. Will, sounding upset, responded, "No games? That's not fair!" A gray feather fell off of him as he spoke. Benny chuckled and replied, "Yes, no games if you end up as a roasted chicken!" Will's frustration boiled over, and he began to yell and stomp his feet. "HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT! IT'S MEAN OF YOU! FIGHTING IS HARD, AND IT'S EASY TO DIE TO A FIRE-BREATHING DRAGON!!" he screamed while flapping his arms up and down. Benny pulled him closer, and they stared into each other's eyes for a while as water dripped down from their faces. Their eyes sparkled, and they blushed with a long gaze. Benny then gave Will a big hug,  "Just be, safe Wilbur." said Benny as he hugged him tighter. Will was caught off guard when Benny used his real name and hugged him like a teddy bear. "I promise I will, my cotton-headed friend," Will said as Benny slowly moved away from him. Will watched as Benny disappeared into the distance, covering his right hand that looked like a black vine been moving up his wrist and flapping his wings harder, taking off into the stormy sky and seeing the dragon's ruby eyes in front of him glowing in the dark, smoky sky, almost like midnight. The boat was tossed around in the raging waves as Meliodas growled, his coat flapping wildly in the wind. Ch-lola ran back and forth on the deck, meowing furiously at the piglins as if trying to convey a message. The sound of her paws echoed across the deck as the battle raged on. During the chaos, a blinding light shone, revealing the epic duel between Will and the dragon. Will soared around the beast, wielding his glowing blade, his wings glimmering like those of an angel. Meanwhile, Benny climbed up to the crow's nest, straining to hear the terrified pig pirates' whispers. Suddenly, a deafening flap of wings sent Benny reeling as a sharp pain shot through his back and left leg. He looked up to see embers raining down around him and the ship engulfed in flames. Meliodas leaped into action, unsheathing his knives and charging straight into the dragon's path. He managed to hold on to the beast's scales as it flew at lightning speed through the air. But the dragon was not to be defeated easily. It spun around and around, trying to shake off Meliodas who turned into his wolf form that was 6 feet tall. He started to bite the dragon until one good spin of the dragon made him tumble to the deck. Will swung his sword at the dragon, slicing through its scales, but the beast retaliated, striking him with its tail and sending him hurtling towards the ship. The situation looked grim, and the piglins screamed in terror as the dragon spewed flames all around them. Just as all hope seemed lost, a hurt Benny emerged from the crow's nest, holding a green glass eye in his hand. He shouted at the dragon, which trembled in fear, and tossed the eye, causing it to turn purple. Suddenly, the ship began to shake violently, and the ocean churned and roared. The dragon let out a final roar as the ship and its crew vanished into the abyss.

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