The moon will sing to the broken

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 Benny held onto the tree as he looked into the boy's eyes,  he closed his eyes and his body shook as the cold rainwater went down his face like tears. Out of nowhere, a long evil meow came from Ch-lola as she ran to claw the boy's pants. "AHH!!" screamed the boy as he dropped the sword on the ground and jumped away from Benny.  He opened his eyes to see the boy dancing in pure fear, his dark gray wings up like a scared chicken. Benny noticed the poor creature boy thing was hurt by the stomach through the odd red mark on his t-shirt. Benny quickly picked up the sword but, only to drop it due to feeling flames on his hand. "WHAT ON EARTH IS THIS THING!?!" screamed the bird boy as he shook Ch-Lola off his leg. Benny smiled and backed away from the tree only to reply, "A Vilaness creature of witchcraft that feeds on the undead. She had eaten lots of rocks, puddling and souls coming here. MWAHAHA!"  The bird boy started to panic even more, so Benny felt guilty and tried to calm him down. "It's just a joke!" he yelled when the bird boy hid in the tree. He looked slowly down upon Benny and then covered his face with his hands when Ch-lola hissed at him. "Please don't be scared!" shouted Benny as he looked up at the bird boy. "How do I know you're not an enemy?" the bird boy shouted back as Benny looked at the sword that was lying in the grass. "I will give you my name, it's Benny Windshear what's yours?"  asked Benny while his strawberry hair was soaked in the rain. "I-I'm Will Icarian." replied the bird boy as he peeked his head down from the tree branch.  Benny holds his arms together because it's pretty cold due to the rain. "What is that THING?" asked Will pointing at Ch-lola. Benny started to laugh hard. It was a good thing he didn't pee himself to that question. "Well, she's my cat. I think she's a cat, it's funny she acts human most days," answered Benny as Will slowly floated down the tree. "What are you?" asked Will as he slowly blinked sleepily.  "I'm Human. What are y-" asked Benny until Will falls flat on his face into the dirty mud. He ran to help Will up, holding him by the stomach carefully as Ch-lola meows.  Arriving back home, he opened the door and walked through the dark cottage that looked haunted. He slowly walked up the stairs that made creaking noises when he stepped onto it. He went into a room with a dusty bed, a dead-out candle, and an old chest at the room counter. Benny only knew the house used to belong to someone close to his mom but,  she wouldn't say who it was or why. He lay Will on the bed gently, not wanting to hurt him accidentally, ch-Lola slowly entered the room with teary eyes looking around the room like she had known it for years. "How do we fix him?" Benny asked definitely not poking Will's wound at all. Ch-Lola sighed, went downstairs briefly, and returned with a sewing needle and toothfloss.  She jumped on the bed moving her head towards Will. Benny removed the things from Ch-lola's mouth and looked at her awkwardly. "What do you want me to do with this?" asked Benny as his cat rolled her eyes and left up Will's ragged brown shirt, he almost threw up seeing all the blood on Will's stomach but instead of throwing up rainbows, he fated down on the hard wooden ground like a goat. The next morning Benny woke up in bed as the morning sunlight shone through the window.  He looked around his room thinking it was all some stupid dream from his little mind until a loud BANG came from upstairs. Leaping out of bed he runs fast as a wolf into the upstairs guest room to see Will sleeping on the dusty floor soundly like it was his bed.  "WHAT THE WHAT?!" yelled Benny as he stood there looking at Ch-Lola on the bed and Will on the floor. Did she steal it? He thought looking at his calico cat sleeping on the bed.  Now looking at it Will's wings looked almost blackish gray, benny shook remembering Will is still a strange creature probably evil. Will's ragged brown clothes looked very muddy like he overate chocolate it got on his clothes but, it was indeed mud.  Benny went to grab his old purple t-shirt and put it on the dusty old bed. A few hours later he went out to go fishing but, the moment he opened his old wooden door he saw his mother. She was wearing a bright yellow dress that brought out her beauty. "Well, good morning sleepy head." spoke his mom as he slowly cracked the door. "Uh, hi Mommy. I didn't think you would be here," replied Benny as he looked away.  She tilted her head and smiled nicely looking like an angel. "Yep, well son do you want to go hunting?" she spoke calmly but, very scary if you looked into her eyes. "UGH!" yelled Will as he just noticed he had been hurt the hold time. "I'm sick mum! Ugh, cough, cough. hehe." lied Benny as his mom gaped him by the face.  He shook in fear hoping not to be caught cause the last time she made him the gross fish soup he got sicker, maybe that's the reason his dad cooks the soup on cold rainy days. She puts her hand on his forehead staring him down with cold green eyes.  "Fine then,  I guess I have two sick men to look after. Yay me." spoke his mother as she walked away, he bit his tongue raising his arm out to catch her, yet he stopped himself. He slowly closed the door while closing his eyes in guilt. He turned away to see ch-Lola shaking her head no at him, so he sat down calling her over of course she wouldn't come over to him when called.  He walked around to look for some food he had hidden away when BAM! He was slammed into the wooden wall, seeing Will with fearful eyes. "Hey, it's ok it's m-me!" stuttered Benny as Will slowly removed his hand from Benny's throat and started patting him on the back. Benny looked at him with confusion until Will backed away and screamed at the sight of Ch-Lola.   He ran towards the fireplace hoping to go up the chimney. "Please calm down." spoke Benny calmly holding Will's hand,  the warmth of the sun glowed in the cottage, the sword that led by the wall showing its shadow on the ground.  Will yanked his hand away from Benny and stopped to take a deep breath. "Is that your sword?" asked Will as he pointed at the sword. "Well yes, my dad gave it to me." answered Benny as Ch-lola meowed sounding like a hiss. Benny and Will's eyes lit up and looked at each other and then at the sword. "It's so cool looking!" spoke Will as he went to have a closer look at the sword. "I know right? Swords are so cool!" replied Benny while watching Will with a marvelous look. Will got quiet when he picked up the sword, looking at each detail within the sword. The sunlight's reflection upon the sword. "Well, it's badly chipped though." spoke Will as he flipped the sword around the sword carelessly. Benny glared at Will and then took a deep breath, his hand made a fist. "Yeah, I guess it is. Hey, do you wanna see something cool?"  Will looked over at Benny in contusion. Benny ran and grabbed an old book with dust upon it, he flipped through the old pages of old drawings. He opened a page of a man with a bird head, he looked at it then at will. "Are you an E-L-train?"He showed the page to Will and he started to laugh, "It's E-l-y-t-r-i-a-n and no I don't look like that."  Will snatched the book from Benny and flipped through the pages. "But, this art is amazing." replied Will as Benny kept looking at him with stars in his light blue eyes.  A knock on his door stopped the silence, Ch-Lola ran towards the door pawing at it well more like clawing at it. Benny looked at Will and then when to grab the door, he didn't open it until Will put on a coat or something.  He opened the door to see the silhouette of a man with one arm. The silhouette had sunlight beaming behind him like the man was holy and true just like an angel.

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