Sasha's POV

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I was half awake when my eyes drifted towards the Wal-Mart across this street of the cafe. I consider waking Jimmy to tell him to go get me some popcorn chicken while I kept watch.

"Jimmy," I whispered and immediately he was alert. "Did we find him?" He looked around frantically.

"I just want something to eat." I smiled innocently.

With a sigh he collected his wallet and began reaching for the door handle. My eyes land towards the parking lot and something crosses my line of vision. I scream.

"What?!" Jimmy asked incredulously, "I thought you wanted food." I pointed at the parking lot where a man stepped out of a black Volvo. "Jimmy," I whispered, "that's the guy."

"Are you sure?" He asked pressing his nose against the window, "how can you tell? It's so dark."

"Come on," I said opening my door and running around the car. Jimmy stumbles out the door, grabbing my wrist. "Are you crazy? What are you going to do? Interrogate him in the grocery aisle?"

But his words do not stop me as I pull away from him. Grabbing a cart, I  strolled causally despite my beating heart. It was definitely him I confirmed once seeing him in the fluorescent light of the store. I threw random items in my cart so I appeared to be shopping and I followed a good distance behind him.

I watched in confusion as he picked various toys and place them in his cart and followed him where he browsed the baby aisle. Does this man have kids? Did he have a wife? Does his family know of his secret life? I begin to doubt myself. What if he's not the kidnapper after all?

I leave behind my overflowing cart and quickly run back outside unnoticed. Jimmy was standing outside his car, waiting for me. "You're acting crazy," he remarked as I pushed him inside the car.

"When he comes back," I instructed, "we have to follow him."

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