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Christopher: You are absolutely beautiful.

Hailey: thanks

Christopher: I'm sorry if my random friend request seemed a bit strange but I stumbled across your page through a mutual friend and thought you were gorgeous.

Hailey: no it's fine

Hailey: and thanks

Christopher: I know it's commonly advised not to ask a woman's age but may I know how old you are?

Hailey: lol it's cool. I just turned 19

Christopher: My, you look so much younger!

Hailey: i get that alot lol

Christopher: I am sure you do. But just think, when you're thirty, you won't look a day over twenty.

Hailey: lol i doubt that. i work at a diner and the stress is going to cause me to get wrinkles

Christopher: Oh, I am sure you won't be there forever...

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