♡Chapter 6 ♡

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Jupiter looked around and walked over to the black blood, he touched it and looked at it, "The hell happened..?" Jupiter said, asking Sun who was still shaking, "Something came inside...he...her....they....it....was not human..it didn't hurt us but when it came in, the moons and Venus and Mercury was just gone." He said whimpering slightly. He pitched his nose and was really stressed, "Fuck fuck fuck.." He was walking back and forth, having a slight headache but everything stopped when he heard a soft knock on the door.

He looked at Sun and walked over to the door, he opened the door and saw Deimos standing in the rain without a shirt and his hair was shorter than the last time he saw it. He was shaking and was obviously scared, "Deimos?? What happened.?" Jupiter asked as he quickly brought him inside, "I want Mars.." he said sadly, Jupiter felt bad and just hugged him, "Where is your brother?" He asked, "I don't know.." Deimos cried, Jupiter just grabbed his and took him into a room so nothing could find him.

He took a deep breath and just start choking, "GOD.." He screamed and just punched the wall as hard as he could with tears falling down, "Ugh.." He groaned, he knew who it was but didn't want to think about it. He grabbed a jacket and immediately left to find the missing moons. As he was walking, he felt a weird feeling in his chest like..someone or something was following him, he turned around and saw nothing so he just kept walking and tried to ignore it. His heart was racing and felt weird leaving the others alone after what happened, he stopped, looked around, balled up his fists, gritted his teeth, and just stared angrily at the ground, he wasn't scared but he was sad and confused.

He was standing there but he wasn't really crying but felt small tears following down, but then he heard a little cry. He turned around and listened quietly, he heard whimpers behind a dumpster and quickly went over to the noise, "Hmmh.." He heard, it sounded like a little boy of some sort and he could hear the voice sounded really familiar, "Hello?" He said quietly but loud enough so the kid could hear him, "Get me...out..of here..person.." The voice said, it was a male voice, soft and gentle but a hint a fear, "I'll get you out!" Jupiter said, he grunted as he moved the heavy dumpster and revealing a boy with Brownish hair and has a "P" earring, "Oh fuck.." Jupiter sighed in relief, he gently grabbed him and pat his head, he heard Phobos making little coos and felt drool on his jacket. He giggled at his babyish acts and picked up him, "Do you know where IO or Callisto is? Venus or Mercury?" He asked Phobos.

Phobos just opened his eyes and grunted, he couldn't talk but he could make some sounds, "I don't know..." He cried, "Last time..I-I saw..them..was..when a black..thingy was dragging..us somewhere.." He continued, Jupiter's heart stopped when he said "Black thingy" he was confused and a little freaked out but tried to stay calm, "Alright Alright..how about we go find them together already? I found you and your brother I'm sure I can find everyone else." Jupiter said, trying to hide the hint of fear in his voice. Phobos nodded and then just fell asleep in Jupiter arms, Jupiter snicked and started walking again.

8:30 pm

He's been walking for what seemed like hours and started to lose hope, his arms was getting tired and his legs were feeling really weak from all the walking. He just groaned and sadly looked down, but he heard a voice. It sounded like a normal Earthling or just a voice he hasn't heard before, it sounded raspy, dark, and ominous. He was confused but went towards it hoping it was Venus, "Hello?" He loudly said, he gently put Phobos down on the floor and put his jacket on top of him.

He looked around again, still extremely confused and slightly scared, "Shut the hell up..you're a goddamn fool." He heard the male voice say, as he said that he heard a cry and loud thud, he jumped and looked to his corner. He saw a man with sun glasses but he couldn't see his full face, he had dark clothes, whiteish blueish hair, and a weird motorcycle park next to him. There was a another man crying on the floor with bruises and cuts all over him, and there was also a little boy at least around 5 or 7 standing next to the disturbing man, gripping his shirt and slightly shaking.

He gulped and as he was about to run, he made a rustle which the man and the kid heard and immediately turned around and faced him, "Who..who the hell are you?!" The man yelled and grabbed a bat, Jupiter laughed nervously and grabbed Phobos and his jacket and started running, Phobos woke up very confused on what was happening, "Mr. Jupiter?" He politely said, Jupiter looked down and him, "No time. I need to get you home. Now." Jupiter panted.

He turned his back and saw motorcycle lights flashing and the leg of a little boy hanging, "SHIT!" He yelled, he ducked his head and tried to sneak around, he put his jacket over his head and just jumped to a corner. The man got out of the motorcycles which gave him the chance to run, Phobos was really lost but didn't question it.

As Jupiter was running he tripped on something and when he looked down he saw a hand on his ankle, "Help! We're stuck!" The voice said in a shaky and raspy tone, he gasped and put Phobos down and grabbed the hand. He saw IO come out, breathing heavily and looked behind him. He grabbed another hand and saw a girl coming out of the same spot which was obviously Callisto, "How did you two get here?" He asked them, "I don't know..we saw a black figure and just blacked out." Callisto quietly whimpered, Jupiter's eye twitched and his heart started racing.

He didn't say anything and grabbed both of their hands. IO was stumbling but managed to stay still, he noticed Jupiter looked really dim and his eyes looked darker than usual, "What the did the figure look like.?" Jupiter asked out of the blue, "It had white eyes and a purple looking tint but mostly looked black." IO replied quietly. Jupiter stopped walking and just stood there, "Jupiter?" Callisto mumbled, Jupiter didn't say anything, Callisto and IO looked at each other and IO gripped Jupiter's hand.

Jupiter muttered something under his breath before he started walking again. Phobos was looking down at the ground and saw multiple bullets, as he kept walking, he kept kicking the bullets that was on the ground, "Don't think you should touch those." Callisto mumbled, Phobos looked at her direction and looked a bit angry, "Hey hey, don't look at me like that..it could be dangerous you never know." Callisto fumed, Phobos grunted and looked away from her. Callisto huffed and looked up at Jupiter, "You good?" She asked, she got no response, she hummed slightly before asking the question again, "Are you okay?" Again, she got no answer, just the silence.

She felt a little uncomfortable so she just looked away from him. Once they finally got back to the apartment, Jupiter forcefully shoved the moons inside with no warning, "I don't care where you go. Stay inside this apartment room and don't you even think of leaving." Jupiter said sternly and in almost monotone voice, they all nodded and quickly ran off to their rooms. Jupiter still had to find Venus and Mercury so he could make sure they're alive and well but it was too much for him. He just slide down onto the ground and sat there with his hand on his head, he was shaking but not because he was cold but because he knew he was being watched.

He grunted, standing back up and started walking, "I need to find Venus and Mercury. They could be dead and I'm over here doing nothing." Jupiter thought to himself. He started walking around places they could probably be but they were no where to be seen. As he was walking he stumbled on something, it sounded like something metal and when he looked down. He saw it was a knife and it had blood on it but it wasn't normal human blood.

The blood was black.




Word countttt: 1486

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