¤ For me... ~Peeta Mellark

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"You have to live," Peeta tells you as he hands over his locket, "for them."

Upon opening the necklace, you find photos of your family. Your loved ones from back home. Their faces are familiar and unfamiliar at the same time.. as though looking at a lost memory.  It looked so peaceful back then. But so much had changed. You couldn't even remember who was in the photo anymore.

"What about you?" You ask him, looking up to meet his eyes, which just made him smile out of pure pity. Ever since the capitol screwed up your memories, you didn't remember peeta anymore. You didn't remember living through the games. All your memories have been wiped out. All the memories of him and you were gone. To you, he was a stranger…and important one.

"Nobody needs me.” He bland out said. Looking down at the locket that was now in your hands. He was about to speak again before he got cut off by you.

"Someone might need you." You said with no emotions shown on your face. You carefully looked at the picture stored in the locket. You tried your hardest to remember, but you couldn't. But you saw a familiar face next to her. It was no other than Peeta himself.

"Nobody needs me." Peeta repeated to you, this time with sadness in his voice. "I’m no use. Not to my father, my mother, nobody." Peeta pauses, but does not look at you as he continues. He stares off into the distance, speaking to himself as much as you.

"The only person who has ever needed me was you," he says quietly. “And now you don’t either.”

"What if I still need you." You bluntly said, looking him in the eyes, causing him to look back at you. Your eyes used to be bright with emotion. Now, it was just dull.

He was the only key to you back then. You needed him more than ever right now. You wanted your past self back. Your memories.

You needed him to understand how much you needed him. Even if you didn't remember him anymore. He made you feel safe.

"Past me needed you.." you continued to say, looking back at his locket that you still had in her hand. "Are you just gonna let the past me die..your giving up on me?”

Peeta’s expression slowly changed during your small speech. There was uncertainty and skepticism at first, followed by a realization of exactly what you were saying. He finally saw your point. Peeta just looked at you for a long moment, taking it all in. No words, just a soft gaze.

"No... I could never.” He finally replied, shaking his head. He lost the past you. He lost the you he loved with all his heart. He knew it would never be the same anymore with your memories gone. But he just couldn't find a way to let you too. He needed to find a way to help you, even if it was a bit. Cause deep down, the person he loved was still there.

"Then you have to live." You told him, not looking away from his Ocean like eyes. You then handed his locket back in his hands, placing yours on top of his.

They both worked through hard times together. This was no different. They both needed each other. When one was gone, the other had nothing.

"For me."


And they lived happily ever after.

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