Chapter I

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Talita yawned as she stretched her arms above her head, the warmth of her blanket encasing her like a soft, protective hug. Her eyes fluttered open, taking in the familiar sight of her messy bedroom before she sat up with a groan, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. She glanced at the digital clock on her bedside table: 7:05 AM. Not too bad, she thought, relieved. She swung her legs over the side of the bed and walked barefoot into the living room, still wearing her favorite faded blue pajamas. As she walked in, she smiled to herself, taking in the familiar surroundings. The worn, beige carpet, the cozy couch covered in a faded red throw blanket, the old wooden coffee table in the center of the room. On the walls hung framed posters of her favorite bands and movies, giving the room a unique, personal touch. 

She made her way over to the stereo system in the corner and plugged her earbuds into her phone, selecting her current favorite song before pressing play. As she listened to the music, she headed towards the kitchen, grabbing a granola bar and a bottle of water from the fridge. The kitchen was small but efficient, with light wood cabinets and a small breakfast bar. She sat down on a barstool and took a bite of her granola bar, savoring the sweet and crunchy texture. Just as she was about to finish her breakfast, her mom walked into the kitchen, looking out the window with a sigh. 

"Talita, sweetie, it's a gorgeous day out there. You really should go play outside for a while," she said, shaking her head. "It's such a waste to just stay cooped up in here all day." Talita rolled her eyes, knowing she couldn't avoid this conversation any longer. "Fine, mom," she sighed, putting her dishes in the sink. "I'll go play. But just for a little while, okay?" Her mom frowned and gave her a glare. "Just go."

With a sigh, Talita made her way outside, her earbuds still in as she followed the trail leading to her favorite spot by the creek. The sun was shining brightly in the cloudless sky, and the air was crisp and fresh. She kicked a pebble down the trail, feeling the warmth of the sun on her skin. As she walked, she thought about her conversation with her mom. She couldn't help but feel a little trapped sometimes, like there was more to life than just this small town and her small existence within it. She dreamed of going to college, of seeing the world and experiencing all the things she'd only ever read about in books. 

But for now, she had to content herself with these walks along the trail, listening to her music and pretending that the world didn't exist outside of her earbuds. Just as she was lost in thought, a loud thwack! interrupted her. She glanced around, confused. Another thwack! sounded a few seconds later, followed by a faint whizzing sound. She frowned, trying to figure out what could be making that noise. Then, out of the corner of her eye, she saw something flash past her. A dart! She froze, her heart racing as she realized what was happening. Someone was throwing darts at her! Panic surged through her veins as she instinctively ducked behind a nearby tree. She peeked out from behind the tree, scanning the area for whoever was responsible. Her eyes darted back and forth, searching for any sign of movement. Another dart whizzed past her ear, making her jump. She couldn't believe this was happening. She felt a stinging pain in her arm as another dart hit her, and then everything went black. 

She crumpled to the ground, unconscious. A Woman walks up to her. "You'll make a fine baby girl" She picks her up and walks off. Talita awoke with a start, her heart racing as she found herself in a strange place. She was lying in a hospital bed, but it didn't look like any hospital she'd ever seen. The room was small and sterile, with gleaming white walls and futuristic-looking machines surrounding her bed. She tried to sit up, but found herself strapped down tightly. Panic rising, she struggled against her restraints, only to find them inescapable.

A tall figure approached her, wearing a long, flowing white lab coat. It was the same black-haired woman with glasses who she had seen before, but she couldn't recall how or where. The woman smiled down at her, her expression both gentle and reassuring. "Hello, Talita," she said softly. "Don't worry, you're safe here." Talita tried to speak, but no sound came out. She glanced around the room again, her heart still racing. "Where am I?" she managed to croak out finally." You're inside my lab of course, you see Talita I'm a researcher and I've been eyeing you for a while now." 

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