2. 15 Years Later

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Haisley's POV
As I walk to the hospital to see my dad for his lunch break, my heart gets sore because it's winter and freezing. That happens sometimes but I just drink some water and push through it. When I get there I go to the cafeteria and Christina sees me first.

"Oh Alex, you're daughter's here." I hear her say and dad turns around as he sees me he smiles big and gets up and we hug each other tightly.

"Hey my warrior, how did your science exam go?" He asks me as he taps my shoulder like always. "I think I did really well plus it was all the stuff you guys do anyways." I tell him proudly

"That's my girl" Dad says "Well yeah you better have aced it! You're the daughter of a doctor. It would be ironic if you didn't." Christina jokes and I smile at her. My breath still feels a bit tight from the cold and I cough a little while taking a breath.

"Hey are you ok?" Dad asks in a fast worried tone. "Yeah it's just from the cold. That's all" I inform him and he gives me his 'are you sure' look with the eyebrows up. "Dad I'm fine, I promise." I assure him

"Karev your daughter is like made of steel stop babying her." Christina helps me "Thank you" I tell her "No problem" She says and I see Bailey coming.

"Oh there is my favourite patient I have ever worked with." She tells me as she hugs me tight like always and I hug her back. "Hey Bailey" I say to her "Hey, wanna see your dad do a surgery?" Bailey asks me

"Hell yes!" I say excitedly and I look at him as he looks at me proudly now. "Like right now?" Dad asks her "Yes, you, Yang and Grey in there now. You will come with me." Bailey says to me and before dad gets in there he kisses my forehead and smiles at me.

"You sure your chest is ok?" He checks again "Dad I'm fine, go be a rockstar." I tell him "Your chest?" Bailey asks "Yeah the cold walk bothered me a bit but I'm fine now." I assure her

"See Karev she's fine now go get to work, now." Bailey tells him and he runs fast to catch up. "Let's go watch your dad cut open into a body. Wow you have not had a normal childhood have you hun?" Bailey jokes with me "No I have not" I joke with her and we laugh as we go to the viewing.

I look at dad as he gets ready and he looks at me as he gets his gloves on and I give him a big smile and he winks at me since I can't see his lips over the mask.

"Alright, let's save some lives today." Derek says as usual and they start getting everything prepped. You can do this dad, I believe in you.

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