Chapter 16

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Kyra's POV

"Kyra....",a shaky voice called my name as my body was paralyzed.

I felt someone holding my face, continuously calling my name in a paranoid tone.

It was the same dream at the same place everytime.And I couldn't hear anything beside the voice.

The ground began shaking all of a sudden

"Kyra!!!Kyra!!!",the voice was more clear and real this time.

My eyes flicked open, spotting a figure jumping on my bed in the dark.

"Holy-",I panicked, turning the bedside lamp on.

As my sleepy eyes adjusted to the sudden exposure of light,I spotted Aditi standing on the bed.

"You scared me",I sighed

"I was trying to wake you up for so long",she said.

My eyes drifted towards the clock.It was just twelve.And we aren't leaving until 4 in the morning.

"Did you confuse P.M for A.M?",I joked at her waking me up at an absurd hour.


And that's when I noticed she was elegantly dressed up in black.

Prep for a midnight fashion show??

"There's a party at the big hall and we're going",she announced happily.

No way!!!I just wanna sleep here with my warm blanket warpped over me.

"I didn't......bring along any party fits",I found an excuse,pulling my blanket over retorting to sleep.

It was the truth to be honest.

"No worries.I've got you covered",she smirked,catching up with my plot to dodge this party.

I'm not doing this again

But I underestimated her stubbornness,she threw my blanket away exposing me to the cold.

"I don't like this",I whined, hoping she would bulged in.

"You'll change your mind when you reach there, I'm sure",she smiled, handing me the dress she took out from her luggage.

Having no other choice,I decided to give it a go.

It's just a party.Not like we're going on a midnight heist.

Quickly,I changed into the outfit she let me borrow.It was gorgeous but I was doubtful if it was my style

Being extra cautious,I double checked my shoulder strap and applied make up to handle the rest.

"You look amazing!!!",Aditi complimented as I walked out of the bathroom.

"She's coming too??",a surprised voice came from behind Aditi.

Aditi moved a little away and there stood my friend who is very fond of me and Vivan.

They were dressed up in similar themes too

Does this mean?

"You're coming with us?",it was my turn to be surprised.

"Hello?Aditi's my friend way before you knew her",he said did I assume they wouldn't come along with Aditi??

"We don't have time for this",Vivan intervened, urging us to move.

We reached the ground floor using the lift.The night was getting colder and the dress wasn't helping much.

"Why wear something that's of no use?"Rishi questioned,walking by my side, as if he had just read my mind.

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