Chapter 6

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Rishi's POV

"Can't believe you did this over night",another amused praise came Aditi's way as she smiled proudly

The project that was overdue next week was completed like we don't get to have tomorrow

Sleep was too much of a price to pay for a damn project

But it's her game and her rules
Be first,best and unbeatable

It wasn't like we had any other choice than to agree with her

So here I am trying my best to quit yawning every 30 seconds ,so that none would question my wellbeing

"Alright...Can we just submit this and get over it?"

I snapped between their conversation, prompting the girl to take her leave.

"You can't stand people praising me,can you?",Aditi scoffed

"I could if I don't have to stand in the hallway for 30 minutes " I shot back

"You don't talk back to me like...."

Her loud voice was interrupted by a even louder one

"Who has the guts!!!!!??" a guy exclaimed to his friend, walking past us

"Why is he so loud this early!?" I said, frustrated

"It's 11 AM" Aditi replied

Yeah,but she failed to notice that 11 PM was bedtime

"I see,you do look at the clock" I taunted when we were interrupted again

"This is gonna be wild",another sheriked past us

What is happening on this campus?

I looked around and observed almost everyone was gossiping about something

"Neha?" Aditi called out

"What is this commotion about?"

"You seriously don't know!??!!",she answered, being all fired up

We both shook our heads negatively

"Some goofs vandalised the art hall",she finally spilled the tea

"What!?",I asked surprised

"Yeah,with paint all over the floor........poor them",she said making a sad face

"Why?I mean.....why is this a hot topic?",Aditi choked on her words

"Aditi, don't you know today's the day principal is supposed to be visiting there with an important alumnus"

Art hall and trouble makers?Rings a familiar bell to me

"So Neha,What do you think would happen to the culprits?",I asked stressing on the last word

I was eager to get that reaction from my beloved friend

"A good amount of reprimand and a suspension at worst"

Aditi's eyes went wide at her answer

"Probably.He wouldn't be able to hold his calm after being humiliated in front of an alumnus",I added fuel to the fire

Now there's a whole storm dancing on her face

"Whatever.It doesn't concern us",I smiled at Aditi who was frozen

"Let's go Dee",I wrapped my arm around her shoulder, waking her up

She walked silently to Mrs.Jha's room.
Not even a single word came out of her mouth.

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