Chapter 10

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Vivan's POV:

Strolling down the front yard,the fresh air and cool lights set the mood

"Fuck!!This keeps getting crumpled",she cursed, straightening her evening gown.

Her struggle is pointless

"Stop you are disgracing the Sharmas with your overly formal attire",I laughed

C'mon, it's a party thrown by Vinay and Tulsi Sharma.

You're allowed even if you show up wearing pyjamas

"That's so supportive of you",she replied with a sarcastic smile

I rang the doorbell and in an instant the door swung open

Tulsi aunty welcomed us with the warmest smile you could be greeted with

"You are late,Vivu",she complained, faking disappointment

"Five mins doesn't count,aunty",I protested, flashing a smile

"Aditi!!!",she exclaimed,engulfing her in a tight hug

"Getting younger each day,huh?Spill the secret",Aditi bantered,making her laugh

"Where's your son?",I questioned

"Umm.... probably in the kitchen stealing some of the honey pretzels I've told him not to touch yet",she casually guessed

She walked us into the living room packed with people.It was warm with the special comfort it usually had.

"Well, if it isn't the charming Vivan Sharma gracing us with his presence."

A joyful voice came from behind

"If you had let another minute pass,my wife would have filed a missing report for sure",Uncle Vinay humoured, patting my back.

"You know me, fashionably late ",I boasted,flexing my looks

Aditi fake-coughed loudly at my statement

"Fashionably late is when you have a sense of fashion,my son",he roasted me back, making Dee go mad with laughter

They enjoyed the chance and high-fived each other.

Rishi chimed in, getting the gist of our conversation

"Let's not play fashion police with all your retro stuff in the wardrobe,Paa", Rishi joked

"Hey, they're timeless.This generation just doesn't appreciate classics",he laughed

"You are late",I pointed out, looking at Rishi.

"In other words,you are just 5 minutes earlier than me",he reasoned

He grabbed us both a drink and a cola for himself

"Where have you been?",Dee interjected her question

"Emm....In the kitchen—making sure the desserts aren't mishandled",he said,taking a sip

"Well....",she laughed as we shared a known gaze

Aunty casually predicted his every move in precision

"You sure no one stole the honey pretzels?",I provoked

"What?—Not on my watch",he almost spit his drink, getting caught

But covered it up with a charming smile.

"Your maa is gonna be mad",Vinay uncle whispered to him in a low tone

"I know.But I couldn't hold myself back!!",Rishi let out a sigh

We pretend not to hear the little conversation of the mischievous father-son duo

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