Part 8 - The drama

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Next Day at the Hospital:

Teji expressed her concerns to Farah. "Farah, Viaan is a good son, but I fear his past has left a deep scar on him. I worry that his fear will prevent him from settling down or finding love."

Farah, placing a comforting hand on Teji's shoulder, replied, "Teji, Viaan is mature. He will find his way, and let's hope he finds someone who truly understands him."


Meanwhile, Akash, unhappy with Katha's decision, drowned his sorrows and frustration in alcohol. In a drunken state, he stormed into Katha's office, creating a scene that would be etched in the memories of those present.

Akash, fueled by anger and alcohol, stormed into Katha's office, his words dripping with venom.

"You think you can just end this engagement? Do you know what a favor I was doing by marrying you?" he slurred, his face twisted in rage. "You're ungrateful and stupid, Katha!"

Katha, caught off guard, tried to maintain composure as Akash's tirade echoed through the office. Her colleagues, drawn to the commotion, became an unwitting audience, their hushed whispers adding to the chaos.

"Why are you making a scene, Akash?" Katha attempted damage control.

"Oh, I'll show you a scene!" he retorted, his voice rising.

Katha's manager intervened, attempting to reason with Akash. "Sir, you need to leave. This is inappropriate."

But reason was lost on Akash. He lashed out, hitting the manager, escalating the situation further. The office buzzed with the intensity of the unfolding drama.

People in the office began recording the chaotic scene on their phones. Akash, desperate to salvage some semblance of control, turned the blame on Katha. "She's having an affair with her manager! That's why she's ending our engagement!"

Katha, flustered and embarrassed, attempted to defend herself, "This is not true!"

But the damage was done. The security was called, and with their intervention, Akash was forcefully expelled from the premises.

The police, alerted by the chaotic scene, arrived promptly and, after assessing the situation, arrested Akash for his unruly behavior.

Meanwhile, at Katha's home, Akash's mother, having learned of her son's state, arrived in a fury. Neerja attempted to explain, but Akash's mother, in her anger, blamed both Katha and Neerja for the family's predicament.

"You failed to teach your daughter values! This is the result of her upbringing!" Akash's mother complained, her words stinging like venom.

Neerja, usually patient, reached a breaking point. "I won't accept blame for something I didn't do. Please leave."

Neerja sat alone, the weight of the situation heavy on her shoulders. Aarav, witnessing the turmoil, approached her cautiously. "Do you hate me, Dodo?"

Neerja's eyes softened. "No, Aarav. I could never hate you. Dodo loves you a lot." She sighed, her resolve solidifying. "I was confused because of fear, but I'm fine now. We'll support Katha through this."

The turmoil in Katha's life escalated. After the office scene, she found herself facing the harsh reality of losing her job. The weight of the recent events pressed upon her as she packed her belongings, her mind clouded with thoughts of the chaotic unraveling of her engagement and the accusations thrown at her.

Meanwhile, at home, Neerja filled Katha in on the mess Akash's mother had created. The news added another layer of stress to Katha's already overwhelmed state. Frustrated and determined, she decided to take action.

Katha decided to take matters into her own hands. She headed to the police station to file a harassment case against Akash and his family. The process was grueling, but she was determined to reclaim control over her life hoping for justice and an end to the ordeal that seemed to have no bounds.

Meanwhile, Viaan, caught between the chaos at home and the concern for Teji's health, sought advice from the doctor. The diagnosis was clear—Teji needed a change of atmosphere. The depression she was experiencing was hindering her recovery.

Farah, understanding the gravity of the situation, approached Viaan. "Moving to Mumbai might be the change Teji needs. Eshan and I are here. It could be good for everyone."

Viaan, initially hesitant, pondered the idea. A change might indeed be beneficial.

He approached Teji, trying to convince her of the potential benefits of moving to Mumbai. Teji, though resistant at first, listened as Farah spoke from her heart.

"Teji, we care about you. Mumbai might offer you the fresh start you need, surrounded by family. It's time to heal," Farah earnestly conveyed.

After much persuasion, Teji, feeling the sincerity in their voices, relented. "Maybe a change will be good," she finally admitted.

With Teji's agreement, plans were set in motion. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2023 ⏰

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