Part 5 - The Unexpected

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PS - Republished part 4, before reading this would request to re-read part 4

The next day, Katha was in a meeting room, along with Viaan, Ishaan and a few more people from EarthCon. She was presenting the project update.

In mid of the meeting, Katha's Phone started ringing incessantly, causing her to pause mid-sentence.

Seeing the caller ID, She apologised and quickly excused herself from the room to answer the call.

As she stepped aside from the presenter spot, the news she received on the phone left her in shock.

Without a second thought, she turned and dashed out of the meeting room, her thoughts a whirlwind of confusion and concern.

Viaan and Ishaan exchanged puzzled glances as Katha abruptly left the meeting. Her Manager's and Viaan's voice rang out, calling her name, but it was as though she couldn't hear anything.

Katha's hurried footsteps echoed in the corridors of the hospital.

She burst through the entrance, her gaze searching for familiar faces. And there, in the waiting area, stood a familiar old couple, Aarav's grandparents.

Desperation laced her voice as she approached them, "How is Aarav? What happened?"

The elderly couple exchanged a look, their expressions a mix of concern and hesitation.

"What happened to Aarav" Katha's impatience grew, and in a surge of frustration and anger, she repeated her question, her voice cracking with emotion.

Her outburst caught the old couple by surprise, and before they could speak, their gaze turned towards the doctor who walked out of the hospital room. Katha's gaze moved onto the doctor, and she hurried over, her heart racing with anxiety.

The words tumbled out of her in a rush, "How is Aarav? What happened to him?"

The doctor, mistaking her for Aarav's mother, launched into a disapproving lecture about neglect and parenting responsibilities. Katha's shock deepened as the doctor continued, berating her for not realizing her child's deteriorating health and accusing her of negligence.

The old couple tried to intervene, but the doctor's tirade continued. Finally, when the doctor paused for breath, Katha's voice broke through the tension, her voice trembling with a mix of emotions,

"How is Aarav now?"

The doctor's demeanor softened, and she sighed, "Aarav is currently on drips and unconscious. He's stable for now, and we're working to rehydrate him and address the fever. He should wake up in a few hours. Here's a list of medicines and injections he'll need."

Relief washed over Katha, mingling with a sense of responsibility. She thanked the doctor and turned her attention back to Aarav's grandparents, having a mix of emotions, she was wanted to accuse them for their negligence but she couldn't speak a word as her mind buzzed with a whirlwind of emotions. The weight of the situation settled upon her and a renewed determination emerged for her to make choices that mattered, to bridge gaps, and to stand up for the things that truly counted.


Few hours had passed since she was in hospital, near Aarav, waiting for him to get conscious.

Akash and her mother Neeraja walked in, the old couple were still there, waiting for their grandson to be awake.

Neeraja wanted to say something but seeing katha near Aarav, guarding him like a mother lioness, she couldn't say anything.

She spoke few words with old couple and after few minutes three of them walked out of hospital ward, Akash remained there,

"Katha" before he could say anything further, Katha signaled him through her palm to be quiet.

"We will speak, but not now" Akash was flustered by her attitude and in her anger he stormed out.

Katha picked up her phone and informed her manager about the situation, apologising to him for walking out like that, her manager understood the situation and ended the call telling he would handle the project, she could take leave for a few days and concentrate on her personal life. She thanked him and felt grateful for his empathy.


After what seemed like an eternity, Aarav's eyes slowly fluttered open. Katha, who had been sitting by his bedside, watched with a mixture of relief and affection. As he looked at her, his eyes widened in surprise, and after a moment's realisation, they filled with emotion.

His lips quivered, and then he burst into tears.

"Monkey," Katha's voice was gentle but filled with emotion. She extended her arms, and he rushed into her embrace, his small frame shaking with sobs. Katha held him tightly, her heart aching for the distress he had endured.

Slowly, his sobs subsided, leaving behind a quiet sniffle.She smiled through the tears, her voice a comforting melody, "It's okay, Aarav. It's okay, I am here, everything is alright."

Katha pulled back slightly, wiping away his tears and her own.

Aarav's gaze held hers, and after a few more sniffs, he nodded, his emotions still raw.

Katha continued to hold him close, the silence between them a testament to the bond they had formed through shared experiences.

As Aarav's breathing steadied, she gently spoke to him, assuring him that he was not alone and that he was surrounded by people who cared for him.

She fed him the prescribed medicines, her touch gentle and reassuring.

As she prepared to feed him some porridge, the door swung open, and Aarav's grandparents entered. Their eyes lit up with joy as they saw their grandson awake. They approached the bed, a mixture of emotions on their faces.

"Look who's awake," Aarav's grandmother exclaimed, her voice filled with happiness.

Around the same time, a nurse entered the room, her presence signalling a need for privacy. Katha motioned for Aarav's grandparents to step outside with her.

Once outside the room, Katha's voice was soft yet resolute, "Aarav is going back with me."

Aarav's grandparents exchanged worried glances. "Katha, we understand your concern, but..."

Katha interrupted gently but firmly, "I left Aarav in your care, believing he would be safe and well-cared for. Instead, he ended up unwell. Something is seriously wrong here."

Aarav's grandmother tried to explain, "Many children fall sick, Katha. It's not uncommon."

Katha's voice carried an edge of frustration, "Yes, children fall sick, but not all children experience such a rapid decline in health and emotional well-being in just a few months. Something has been severely neglected."

"I don't doubt your intentions, but I can't ignore what has happened to Aarav. I believe he's better off in my care."

Aarav's grandparents exchanged a hesitant glance, their concern evident. "But, Katha, he's our grandson and you know Viren.."

Katha's voice held a mix of determination and compassion, "I don't take this decision lightly. But his well-being is at stake. Let's do what's best for him."

Reluctantly, Aarav's grandparents nodded, a mixture of worry and understanding in their eyes.

Katha returned to the hospital room, her heart heavy with responsibility but also with hope.

As she looked at Aarav, who was now sitting up in bed, a glimmer of trust shone in his eyes – a trust that she would do what was necessary to ensure his safety and happiness.


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