Chapter 14:

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A second later she was back in her body, opening her eyes slowly. She looked around and found herself back in Damon's room alone. Sitting up on the side of the bed she headed for the bathroom, when the door opened and damon came walking out. He stopped dead in his tracks, dropping the glass of water and pulled her to him quickly.

"You're awake. Thank the goddess. I thought you was never going to wake up. I missed you so much. I was so worried." He said in her ear as he hugged her tighter.

"I'm okay. How long was I asleep for?" she asked as she hugged him back tighter, suffocating in the woodsy smell that is him.

"Two weeks. You've been out for two weeks. Sabine didn't know if you would wake up again. They're all downstairs. What happened?" he said pulling away from her to get a good look at her face. The face he loved, the eyes that he hadn't seen in weeks.

"My mom. Celeste, it was her. She was responsible to everything. For the spell binding my wolf, for everything. She said she did it to protect me, that she binded my wolf until my mate came along."

He stood there starring at her for what seemed like forever before he finally said something.

"Celeste. As in, the moon goddess, the mother of all supernatural creatures. She is your mother? I don't understand." He said, a look of shock and disbelief on his face.

"I don't understand it either, she said I am the white wolf and that this was the only way to protect me. That I need to be prepared now that the spell is broken, they will be coming for me." She said looking at him with fear and confusion as to who 'they' was.

"Your wolf isn't white though, I've seen it. You're a beautiful honey color. There isn't even a patch of white on you." He said confused.

Luce started to pace back and forth in the room. How was she supposed to figure anything out when even her mate didn't understand what she was saying and what was going on.

"I know it sounds crazy; believe me I get it. She said that when I awake everything will be undone and my true form will be revealed. I haven't changed since that night, and I don't know how to do it to see if anything that she said is true. If it even is." She said rolling her eyes, clearly aggravated by the situation.

"If your mother really is Celeste then she wouldn't lie. She is a goddess; she has no reason to lie. And if she says to be ready for anything then that's what we will do. Whatever is coming our way, we will face it together." He said grabbing her hand and rubbing his thumb over her knuckles.

"One more thing... she said that we needed to complete the mating bond. As soon as possible." She mumbled as her face turned beet red and she looked at the ground.

Lifting her chin with his fingers, he kissed her softly on the lips, the nose, then the forehead. He would do whatever it took to protect her, no matter what it took. No one was going to hurt her or take her from him. Anyone who tried would die by his hands. She was his, now, and forever. 

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