Chapter 12:

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They awoke to someone knocking on the door.

Sarah poked her head in the door and told them it was time to come down for breakfast and go over what would happen tonight. It would take all day to prepare.

When everyone was sitting around the table starting their breakfast the conversation erupted. There was a lot they had to do and get to be ready for tonight. Sabine had to prepare luce mentally as much as she could before they started, especially after last night knocked them both on their ass. After gathering supplies and preparing all day, they quickly ate their dinner and headed back to the alter to begin.

Luce was walking as slow as she could, trying to prepare herself as much as she could on the walk there. Sabine said she needed to be as relaxed as she possibly could. It would make it easier and less painful in the long run.

Once situated on the alter once again, luce laid back and let Sabine begin. Sabine dabbed the tips of her fingers in luce's blood and pressed her fingers to her temples. Luce's eyes went white and she let out a whimper as images flashed through her and Sabine. She went through all of Luce's childhood memories before hitting the ones she was looking for, then as if someone was pushing her she was forced out of Luce's mind.

Sabine flew ten feet back and landed on her butt hard. Someone was in Luce's head with her and they did not want to her to see that specific moment. But how in the hell did they throw her out like that? She had never heard of that happening. It wasn't possible, but someone definitely threw her out, literally. She looked around puzzled, trying to see if she could see anyone near. There was no way to access Luce without being here with them. But there was no one around but Luce, Sarah, Damon and her. This didn't make sense. She looked at Damon with a confused but serious look as Sarah came running towards her to help her up.

"Someone was in there with me. They shoved me out before I could grip the memory fully. All I saw was a flash of a woman, she was blurry, I couldn't get ahold of the image before I was shoved out. Whoever it was, does not want us knowing. They did something that has never been done before." Sabine said as Sarah grabbed her hand and pulled her up. She dusted herself off and walked back over to Luce. Checking to make sure she was breathing and see if she could get inside again, she was surprised to find that she was magically sealed shut. Someone, whoever that woman was, used a spell so powerful she knew she would never be able to break it to access Luce again. She looked to Damon and shook her head.

"I'm sorry, there's nothing that I can do. Whoever was in there has luce trapped. I can't break it, I can't get in. I am so sorry." She said as tears began to run down her face. She promised she would help them find the answers and instead she had failed and got Luce trapped inside her own mind.

"What do you mean she's trapped?! Trapped how?!" Damon said with fear icing his words as he ran his hands over luces face, pleading with her to wake up and come back to him.

"Whoever is in there, is more powerful than what is possible. No mortal can hold that much power, it isn't possible but they do and they are doing everything they can to make sure we don't access the truth." Sabine said trying to explain that nothing she did would ever be enough. All they could do was wait and hope that whoever it is would let her go. 

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