Chapter 1:

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It was a dark and stormy night. Lucinda had just finished her shift at the bookstore and was heading home for the night. The smell of rain and fall surrounded her as she locked the door behind her. This was her favorite time of the year. The cool breeze made her hair whip into her face, tickling her nose. She giggled, tucked her hair behind her ear and headed down the dimly lit sidewalk. It was late, she lost track of time and was supposed to close hours ago. The streets were empty except for the black cat running into the dark alley. In a small town like Willow, the town started to simmer down by 9, until everyone was safely in their homes by 10. With wild wolves taking over the forest surrounding the town, it wasn't safe to be out at night, but Lucinda didn't care. She wasn't afraid of the dark or what may or may not lurk in it. She found all things nature and wildlife fascinating. Especially wolves, there was something captivating about them. The beauty of them and the freedom they held in their eyes. She found herself often wishing she had the freedom that they do. The only time she ever felt free is when she would sneak off to the clearing in the forest and curl up to the giant oak tree with one of her many books. She would spend hours out there, getting lost in the peaceful stillness. Breathing in the fresh air and feeling more at home than she ever had.

Lucinda sighed as she reached her front door, unlocking it and stepping inside she hung up her jacket and headed into the bathroom. She lived in a small house, at the edge of the woods, it was nothing fancy. She moved here 7 years ago, after her mother passed away leaving her with no family. This place wasn't only her escape from all the hurt and loss, but also a new beginning. One she needed desperately.

Throwing her shoes down by the dirty clothes basket, she finished stripping and stepped into the hot shower. The smell of vanilla filling the bathroom as she washed her hair and body. Rinsing off, she grabbed her towel off the hook and dried off. Slipping into her black silk shorts and tank top she headed into her bedroom and climbed into bed.

It was times like this when she started feeling lonely. The house was completely silent, and pitch black except for the moonshining into the window. There was a full moon tonight and she couldn't help but get lost in the beauty of it. The moon knew all her secrets, knew her better than anyone ever did and ever could.  She found herself spilling her soul to it every time it lit the night sky. But even the moon couldn't hide the emptiness she was feeling tonight. Since moving here, she hadn't been involved with anyone romantically and mostly kept to herself. Aside from her friend Sarah she hadn't really made any friends or really talked to anyone besides those who came into the bookstore.

Pulling out her cellphone she texted Sarah to see if she was still up. Sarah had lived here her entire life and knew everyone in and around town. She was the first and only to welcome her when she moved here.

"Hey, you still up?" Lucinda sent the text and went back to starring out her window.

"Yup! You know I'm a night owl LOL How was work?"

"As usual I guess. Mostly boring, I'm just in bed stuck in my head again." She sent with a frown.

"You know what you need? A date! Since I've known you, you haven't dated anyone or even talked about a guy."

Lucinda laughed at this, like dating was so easy. No one was interested in her, she wasn't what you would call the average girl. She wasn't average at all. Lucinda had jet black hair that went down her back in curls, her eyes a bright emerald green. Her eyes kind of set everyone off, people mostly just starred at her. A few had asked her if she wore contacts, she didn't. Her body was more of a hourglass shape than anything. While most of the women in town were just skinny and tall, Lucinda was curvy. She had short tan legs, with thick thighs, a very round behind and her boobs were double D's.

"Yeah right! Not everyone is as gorgeous as you are. You have guys drooling all over you every time I see you." Lucinda replied before setting her phone back down and getting up to turn her bedroom light back on.

"You are GORGEOUS. I would kill to have your eyes. But ANYWAYS lol I can definitely set you up on a blind date or 10" Sarah responded with a winky face.

"I.. I don't know. I haven't been on a date since I moved here and even before then I didn't date much. Swear its like I am a guy repellant or something lol" 

"Oh hush! You are not. Its decided. I'm going to talk around and see who all I know that's single and set you up on a date. You need a life outside of work and books."

Lucinda could see her rolling her eyes right now as she sent this. She wasn't wrong though; she did need to get a life. She was only 25 and never did anything fun or adventurous.

"Okay... fine. But no one that just wants a one-night stand. As much as I need to get laid, I do not want a fuck buddy lol" she typed while laughing. Truth be told, Lucinda was a virgin, and while she really didn't want to be, she did not want to lose her virginity to a once night stand.

"Pshh, that's exactly what you need lol but fine! I will see what I can do. Wanna get together tomorrow and go for a run?"

"Sounds good! 8am good for you?"

"See ya then!"

Lucinda threw her phone charge, turned off her light and went to bed. The morning bringing new possibilities at a life less boring. 

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