We Get to Wear Food Costumes!? Yay! (Part 1)

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KC: *walks into the nursery with a bag of some sort and a smile on her face and stands next to her friends* Guys, we have a new dare! And thank you guys so much for watching over the nursery for me while I went to talk to Mr. Woodbird about that shipment of new baby diapers and baby food!

Pip: *looks up at kc with a smile* No problem, KC! We're always happy to lend a wing!

Freddy: The babies were all well rested and out for their deliveries. And they were so cute!

Krysia: *look up at the koala from scrolling through her phone with confusion on her face* You said we have a new dare, KC?

KC: Yep! We've got a new dare *wipes out her flypad to check* and it's from @Captravels271. *looks over at her friends* Sounds like a new reader! And it says I dare the four of you to wear food costumes for a day. 

Freddy: *gets excited once he hears that* We get to wear food costumes!? Yay! *starts pleading excitedly* Can I wear my new cheese costume? Can I? Please?

KC: *giggles* Sure! I don't see why you can't wear it. It's completely okay with me!

Pip: *looks at kc* So it would be okay if I wear my ice cube costume from Halloween?

KC: Yep! *thinks for a second* I'm just going to wear the tree top muffin costume that I made for a costume contest a few weeks ago. *looks over at krysia now* What are you going to wear, Krysia?

Krysia: *looks at the ground and tries to think of something to wear* I don't know.

KC: I actually just so happened to order you a pierogi costume to wear! And it just arrived today! *opens the bag she has with her and takes out what's inside of it and hands it to krysia* Now you can go change into this in the baby pantry while the rest of us go get our costumes!

Krysia: Okay. Sounds good. *walks into the baby pantry to change*

(Pip, Freddy, and KC walk out of the nursery to go grab their costumes and put them on. Five minutes later, they walk back into the nursery.)

Pip: *looks over at his flamingo best friend* Freddy, you look really good in that cheese costume!

Freddy: Aw thanks, Pipster! *looks over at his penguin pal* And you look ice-mazing in that ice cube costume!

Pip: Thanks, Fredamingo!

Freddy: *looks over at the koala now* KC, you look fabulous in your homemade tree top muffin costume! 

Pip: Yeah! I can't believe you made that!

KC: *blushes a little because of the attention* Thank you, Fellas! *glances around the room for a second* Hey, how come Krysia hasn't come out yet?

Freddy: Yeah, she should be out by now. And I can't wait to see her pierogi costume!

Pip: *walks over to the baby pantry and knocks on the door* Krysia, are you okay? Do you have your costume on?

Krysia: *says a little sadly and hoping the penguin didn't notice that* Yeah. I'll be out in a second. *a second later she comes out of the baby pantry and approaches her friends who are standing in the middle of the nursery* What do you think?

KC: *looks at krysia in the costume she ordered for her* Krysia, you look so good!

Freddy: You look flamazing!

Pip: *looks at the girl in astonishment and he's blushing now* You look g... gorgeous! *scartches the back of his neck shyly*

Krysia: *cheeks turning a little pink* Thanks! *still seeming a little sad but trying not to show it*

Ask Or Dare T.O.T.S.! (My version inspired by TorchTorque)Where stories live. Discover now