Who Can Stay In The Pool Of Ice The Longest?

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KC: *gets a new notification* Guys! We have another dare! *waves over her friends*

Freddy: *getting excited already* Really?!

Pip: *puts away his flypad* Snow way! Another dare?

KC: Yep! Another dare! But it's not for you, Pip.

Pip: *sighs of relief* Thank you! I still don't even know how I feel about that dare I did.

Krysia: *inside she still feels really upset but tries not to show it outside* Who's that dare for?

KC: *checks her flypad* It's for me and Freddy!

Freddy: *still excited* Really?! Flamazing!

Pip: *looks over at the koala* Who's it from?

KC: *checks her flypad* It's from @ShipQueen1231 and it says... I dare KC and Freddy to do the "Who Can Stay The Longest" challenge but in a pool of ice. Awesome! Something for me and Freddy to do!

Freddy: Yay! *realizes that the challenge involves a pool of ice, starts worrying and freaking out a little* Wait. A pool?! Of Ice?! What if I turn into an ice statue?! Or get myself sick!? What's going to happen to me?!

Pip: Freddy, relax! It's okay. *puts a comforting flipper on freddy, looks over at kc* If I have to, I can take Freddy's place.

KC: You could... but you'd be replacing Freddy for the dare that him and I have to do.

Krysia: And also, Pip, you'd win the challenge! You're made for the cold weather!

Pip: I was just saying! But you guys are right. *looks back at freddy* Freddy, do you wanna do the dare still?

KC: Yeah! I'm gonna be right by you the whole time! We're doing this dare together! *looks over at freddy too* What do ya say?

Freddy: I say... *thinks about it for a second* Okay. I'll do it. For KC. *looks at kc with a happy smile*

KC: Yay! Thanks, Freddy! *hugs him, he hugs back*

*+*+*+*After setting up*+*+*+*+*

Pip: *done setting up the pool, looks back over at his friends* The pool of ice is ready!

Krysia: And we have some towels and dry, clean, warm clothes to change into when you feel like you're done with the dare. *holding the towels and the changes of clothes for kc and freddy* 

KC: Thanks, you guys! *looks over at freddy who still looks very unsure* You gonna be alright, Freddy?

Freddy: *still feeling very unsure* Yeah... but I'll be okay. As long as I've got KC in there with me, I'll be fine. What's the worst that could happen? *scratches the back of his neck nervously*

*+*+*+*15 minutes in+*+*+*+

Freddy: *teeth chattering, already feeling really cold* So...Cold...! 

KC: *teeth also chattering* I know! But we'll last!

+*+*+*Another 15 minutes*+*+*+

Freddy: *teeth chattering, feeling a lot more colder than before* M-M-Maybe I-I should get out. I-I don't know how much longer I wanna stay here for.

KC: *teeth also chattering still* If-If you wanna get out, F-F-Freddy, you can.

Freddy: *shivering now* W-Won't that make you the w-w-winner?

KC: Y-Yeah. But it's for the best, I-I guess? 

Freddy: Okay. *starts getting out of the pool*

Krysia: Here's your change of clothes, Freddy. And your towel. *hands freddy's change of clothes and towel to him*

Freddy: Thank you! *takes his change of clothes and towel and walks out of the nursery to change*

+*+*+*+*A little bit later+*+*+*+*+

KC: Okay, maybe I should get out now. *hops out of the pool*

Krysia: *wraps kc's towel around her and hands her the change of clothes* Here ya go, KC.

KC: Thanks, Krysia. *walks out of the nursery so she can change*

Pip: So... *walks over to krysia* who won?

Krysia: KC did. Freddy got out a half hour in.

Pip: Oh

+*+*+*+Few minutes later*+*+*+*

(KC and Freddy ended up falling asleep)

Krysia: Aww! *pulls pip close to her* Pip, look!

Pip: *gets pulled closer to krysia* Aww! They're asleep! They're so cute together!

Krysia: *realizes what pip just said* Wait. You ship them?!

Pip: Kinda yeah. I think they're cute together. Don't you?

Krysia: *looks at freddy and kc sleeping next to each other and then back at pip* Yeah. They do look cute together!

Pip: Should we tell them we ship them together?

Krysia: I think we should wait on that.

((Looks like Pip and Krysia are Keddy shippers. Which makes sense because I ship them too. Thank you, ShipQueen1231 for this request for a chapter! More coming up!))

Word count: 686  

Ask Or Dare T.O.T.S.! (My version inspired by TorchTorque)Where stories live. Discover now