~~~Chapter 14~~~

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"Soooo what shall we do now?" I asked when we entered the castle.

"Well I wouldn't mind another kiss..." Alec suggested back.

I smirked and got on my tiptoes. I pressed my lips to his for a second and pulled away teasingly. He smirked back at me and I ran off into the depths of the castle, I heard Alec following me and ran faster.

I hid in a dark room and heard him run straight passed my hiding place. I stayed where I was not making a noise. Hands wrapping abound my waist made me scream and I turned around to come face to face with Alec.

"You scared me!" I sulked.

He laughed at me and threw me over his shoulder.

"ALEC!!!" I shouted hitting his back.

I heard his musical laugh and smiled fondly. I heard a door open and was thrown down on a soft surface. Alec was quickly on top off me grinning like a madman.

"I won!" he smirked leaning towards me.

I smirked back and just as his lips touched mine I flipped us so that I was on top. I pecked his lips and started to get back up. Suddenly my back was pressed against the bed again.

"I don't like being teased," he told me and pressed his lips roughly against mine.

I kissed him back, giving in to him. His tongue licked my lower lip and slipped into my mouth. Our tongues fought for dominance which he won.

The kissed lasted what felt like hours until we pulled apart gasping for breath unnecessarily.

"Where are we?" I asked breathlessly.

"My room," he smirked again.

"Really?" I asked pulling myself up making him move.

He let me up and I looked around his room. The bed was a large four poster with midnight blue curtains and cover. His carpet was cream and on the wall opposite the bed was a huge flat screen TV. Below the TV the wall was filled with DVD's and games. It was then I noticed the game consoles on a shelf next to the TV. There was a large sofa, a love chair and an armchair in front of the TV as well. I smiled around the well decorated room. It was the sort of room I would expect for Alec, there was even a large book case next to the bed. A bathroom and closet were joined to the room.

"Wow!" I gasped.

"Yeah," Alec said smiling.

I raced over to the DVD's and browsed through them. I saw the perfect film. The Notebook! I turned to Alec with puppy dog eyes.

"No!" he said sternly "Its an annoying film."

"Why do you have it then?" I asked walking towards him.

"Jane likes it," he told me as I stood in front of him.

"Well I could get Jane in here to watch it with me..." I whispered in his ear.

"Fine." he groaned. I leaned back smiling and pecked his lips, he smiled back.

He grabbed the disk and put it into the TV. I sat in the love seat and Alec sat down next to me pulling me into his arms.

We watched the film in silence until the door suddenly burst open.

"ALEC!" a voice shouted.

"Felix! Be quiet!" I heard Jane shout.

"Alec mate. We came to see your girl!" a different voice shouted.

"Go away Demetri," Alec moaned.

I giggled and sat up. "Hello, I'm Elizabeth," I introduced myself.

I felt Alec stand up to behind me.

"Demetri," one of the boys said raising a hand in a wave.

"Hello beautiful, I'm Felix," the other one introduced himself.

I heard Alec growl and his hands wrapped around my waist.

"Felix!" I heard Jane scold as she hit his arm, hard.

"Sorry Alec." Felix apologised rubbing his arm and glaring at Jane..

"So what you up to?" Demetri asked looking at the TV. "Erg you don't want to be watching this rubbish, lets watch some proper films," he grinned and raced around the room. Me and Alec took our place back on the love seat. I was laying down with my head on Alec's lap and he was playing with my hair.

Jane took a seat in the arm chair and Felix and Demetri had the sofa. I didn't watch the TV instead I looked up at Alec. He knew I was because his smirk was getting bigger every minute. It must have been half way through the film when he finally looked down at me. I blushed but looked into his eyes.

"I think I am in love with you," I whispered so only he could hear me.

His smile grew bigger. "I think I'm in love with you too," he told me.

I grinned up at him.

"Will you be my girlfriend Elizabeth Cullen?" he asked me.

I nodded and whispered a yes before leaning up to capture his lips with mine.

I heard talking in the background but ignored it, right now it was just me and Alec. That was until a cushion hit us in the face. We pulled away both growling.

"Oh they really do belong together," Felix laughed.

We all burst out laughing and continued to gossip and watch films for the rest of the night. Around midday the next day, a loud bell sounded.

"What was that?" I asked confused.

"The bell to say that lunch is here," Felix grinned before him and Demetri ran out the room.

"I better go," Alec said looking at me worriedly.

"Okay, it will give me a chance to freshen up," I said and bid then good bye, trying not to think about the innocent people they were about to kill.


So... I officially left school yesterday! I never have to go back EVER! It hasn't quite sunk in yet... it just feels like a normal weekend and then I will wake up Monday and go back to school like I normally do...

So I'm going to have a lot of spare time on my hands and I'm going to continue writing the next book in the series or a different story... it depends on how I feel... so any suggestions?

So I just wanted to say that if anyone has any questions, message me and I can answer them (as long as they're not spoilers for the story line that is) and thanks for reading!


Your Sister, Twilight (#Wattys2015)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora