~~~Chapter 5~~~

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The walk to Lily's was short, all the way I felt like I was being watched. I knew who by and I wasn’t going to react. When the person followed us all the way to Lily's house I said.

“Jasper I'm not going home, I'm not welcome there!”

Lily looked at me funny before realising and dragging me into her home.


“Yeah Lil?” Mrs Stanley replied.

“Is it okay if Elizabeth stays for a night or two?” Lily calls up the stairs.

“Course she can Hun, she's always welcome.” she called back “Hey Elizabeth!”

“Hello Mrs Stanley,” I called back politely.

“Now Lily,” Mrs Stanley said coming down the stairs “Jess is at Lauren's and me and you Uncle are going out, so I will leave some money for a takeaway for you two okay?”

Me and Lily nodded enthusiastically and headed upstairs. Lily's house was like my second home in Forks I had been there so much, I even had clothes there.

We went straight into Lily's room and collapsed on the bed.

There was silence for a few minutes until,

“So what do you think of Harry’s new haircut.”

Then we spent the next hour gossiping. We only stopped when Mrs Stanley called up telling us she was going.

We walked downstairs to order Lily's dinner.

“You sure you don’t want anything?” she asked me.

I gave her a pointed look and she remembered.

“Oh yeah....you don’t eat.” we then burst out laughing.

We sat in Lily's room again. Lily had just finished her Pizza and I was flipping through the channels on the TV. My concentration wasn’t on it though I had my senses trained on the vampire who was sitting outside.

“I'm just going to put this in the bin,” Lily said, getting up and collecting the pizza rubbish.

“Go away Edward!” I hissed.

“Come home now Elizabeth, Carlisle and Esme are worried.” he hissed back.

“No!” I said boldly.

“Stop acting spoilt. Mother and Father would be ashamed of you” that hurt.

“You think so?” I said my voice breaking.

“Yes!” he said.

“Well then you best leave me alone, I wont bother you anymore.”

Lily walked in at that moment and I heard Edward run off. I started sobbing again. I explained to Lily and we sat on her bed watching horror movies until Lily fell asleep.

It was early morning when I heard movement outside Lily's house. Her Aunt and Uncle had come home hours ago. I went to the window and pushed it open.

“Hello?” I asked into the night.

Suddenly blackness took over me, and I couldn't use any of my senses. The last thing I managed to say was,


When my senses came back to me I was in a cold, stone room. In front of me was three thrones with a person in each of them. There was an older man who looked miserable, a man with bright blonde, almost white hair and the one closest, a man with pitch black hair. All of them had blood red eyes. I looked around the room and spotted people dotted around the outside in a clear defensive position.

I gulped. “You must be the Volturi...”


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